Lately I have been feeling like I am in a never-ending battle of flesh vs. spirit and it's getting pretty old. This Sunday is the healing service at church and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to not only receive, but to give as well. I will be fervently (that's for you, Ang) seeking the Lord for the next three days so that on Sunday morning I can walk right into the Sanctuary ready for go time! What will happen if me and the two people (ok maybe three) that read this blog ALL fervently prayed this whole weekend for this Sunday's service? What about fasting? Might not be a bad idea. I'm expecting something great Sunday AM.
O....M...G....just to be a little teenagerish. I didn't blog about the fact that for some strange reason I have decided, without being pressured, to allow Sammy to go up north with my in-laws and Alexis on Saturday evening. I know. Breathe. First, I was totally against it. He doesn't really know them, he's clingy, I think he's too young, etc....but when we started making the plans for Alexis to go up, I thought, "hmm...we'll be going up on Wednesday. Maybe Sammy should go on Saturday, too." I don't know what I was thinking, and I'm slightly regreting it, but I'm sticking to it. I think he'll be ok. My mom is freaking out and thinks I've lost my marbles. She thinks he will be a mess and get "mad" at me and feel abandoned. But I have an unusual peace about it. I think because God wants me totally undistracted on Sunday morning so that I can give and receive. Marty, unfortunately, has to work on Sunday. Pretty bummed about that. I really wanted him there. That's ok, thankfully the Lord is everywhere, not just FCA.
So if on Sunday I am sobbing, it could be the move of the Holy Spirit, but it could also be that I realized what a NUTBALL I was for sending my precious, darling hellian, I mean Samuel, away for nearly 4 days. Ok, now that I'm basically saying it outloud, I'm freaking out a bit.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Itchy pits
That's right people. I have itchy armpits. I don't know what the deal is, but it is driving me crazy. I guess it must be a longlasting case of razor burn and it is getting ridiculous. It's been about a month I would say. I even found this cream that I had used for Sammy when he had a little rash on his "man parts" and I tried that. Not working. Yesterday I went all day without deodarant, still my pits are flaming today. For those who don't know, I'm mid-treatment on getting my pits lasered. Yep, laser hair removal. I hate shaving my armpits, and here is a prime example as to why laser hair removal will save my life. The crappy thing is, next week is my next session, and sessions are 11 weeks apart. I don't want to delay the process any longer but I can't get my pits zapped when they are burning like a pit of fire from hell is lingering beneath the skin! Anyone ever experience this or know of a miracle cream/cure?
So, being inspired by Angela's poop blog, I decided to buy some Activia yesterday at Sam's Club. By the way, Marty gave me $90 to go to the store and buy the following: Dog food, diapers, fruit, yogurt and his bottle Arizona green tea. He was the one who wanted me to go to Sam's Club for these things. So I get the 50lb bag of dog food that is $22, diapers are $30, I get most of what is on the list, but didn't buy apples or bananas because I knew I was spending too much. It is Sam's Club people. A good deal, but $$ if you aren't careful. Do I really need to buy this box of applesauce? I mean it has 64 cups for only $9 but really? Do we need this much? Anyway, I spent WAY over budget and had to whip out the debit card and spend my "set aside for the ridiculous gas prices" money so now I have $5 for gas this week and I'm just above 1/4 tank. Great. So I tell him I'm going to need some money and good LORD you thought I told him to go outside and lay down under the car while I back over him. Seriously, he is so WEIRD about money it is insane. And it is likely why we never seem to have any. Oh, but back to the Activia. I don't necessarily have the same plumbing problems, but I get crazy bloated at random times. I can wake up fine, and then two hours later look about 4 months preggo, even if I haven't eaten. So strange. So this Activia is supposed to help with bloating. We'll see if it helps me. I'll be sure to let you all know.
So, being inspired by Angela's poop blog, I decided to buy some Activia yesterday at Sam's Club. By the way, Marty gave me $90 to go to the store and buy the following: Dog food, diapers, fruit, yogurt and his bottle Arizona green tea. He was the one who wanted me to go to Sam's Club for these things. So I get the 50lb bag of dog food that is $22, diapers are $30, I get most of what is on the list, but didn't buy apples or bananas because I knew I was spending too much. It is Sam's Club people. A good deal, but $$ if you aren't careful. Do I really need to buy this box of applesauce? I mean it has 64 cups for only $9 but really? Do we need this much? Anyway, I spent WAY over budget and had to whip out the debit card and spend my "set aside for the ridiculous gas prices" money so now I have $5 for gas this week and I'm just above 1/4 tank. Great. So I tell him I'm going to need some money and good LORD you thought I told him to go outside and lay down under the car while I back over him. Seriously, he is so WEIRD about money it is insane. And it is likely why we never seem to have any. Oh, but back to the Activia. I don't necessarily have the same plumbing problems, but I get crazy bloated at random times. I can wake up fine, and then two hours later look about 4 months preggo, even if I haven't eaten. So strange. So this Activia is supposed to help with bloating. We'll see if it helps me. I'll be sure to let you all know.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I'm no poet, so this will be a ramble. Happy Birthday to the great Amy Rennie, who has reach the ripe ol' age of....well, I'm not sure so lets guess 29. Oh, Amy with the spikey brown, no red, no blonde, no...chestnut colored hair. Amy who leads us women in becoming strong, independent yet submissive women. Dearest Amy, so fun, so bubbly, such a jokester, yet so serious. Equal parts mature and laid back, a sharp dresser is she. With a flair for fashion, and the confidence to try new colors and styles...and yes that big Easter hat once a year.
Amy is like a bright ray of sunshine busting through the dreary gray skies on a blah, rainy, Michigan-weather kind of day. The room ignites with laughter and smiles when Amy is around. She will lend you a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listens, a hand to hold, and ride to Warren to see an old dear friend.
To AMY- A FABULOUS wife, mother, role model, mentor, friend, sister, daughter, minister, fashionista and hostess with the mostess.
I wish I had a picture to upload to share my beautiful friend's face with the world, but I have not unloaded my camera yet, so I'm sorry.
THANKS AMY FOR BEING YOU. HOPE YOU HAD A FABULOUS BIRTHDAY ON SUNDAY, and a FABULOUS BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that she is also a fantabulous cousin! See comments.
I'm no poet, so this will be a ramble. Happy Birthday to the great Amy Rennie, who has reach the ripe ol' age of....well, I'm not sure so lets guess 29. Oh, Amy with the spikey brown, no red, no blonde, no...chestnut colored hair. Amy who leads us women in becoming strong, independent yet submissive women. Dearest Amy, so fun, so bubbly, such a jokester, yet so serious. Equal parts mature and laid back, a sharp dresser is she. With a flair for fashion, and the confidence to try new colors and styles...and yes that big Easter hat once a year.
Amy is like a bright ray of sunshine busting through the dreary gray skies on a blah, rainy, Michigan-weather kind of day. The room ignites with laughter and smiles when Amy is around. She will lend you a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listens, a hand to hold, and ride to Warren to see an old dear friend.
To AMY- A FABULOUS wife, mother, role model, mentor, friend, sister, daughter, minister, fashionista and hostess with the mostess.
I wish I had a picture to upload to share my beautiful friend's face with the world, but I have not unloaded my camera yet, so I'm sorry.
THANKS AMY FOR BEING YOU. HOPE YOU HAD A FABULOUS BIRTHDAY ON SUNDAY, and a FABULOUS BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that she is also a fantabulous cousin! See comments.
Friday, June 13, 2008
A whole lot of nothing...
I realized I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I would. Except, I don't have much to say. Alexis is here, she got here last Friday. She has really grown a lot. She wears about a size 10 in pretty much everything. Funny, all the clothes her mom packed are 6x or 7 and too small. Funny how she can wear that small of clothes in KY and then BAM arrives in Michigan and suddenly wears a 10? Weird. She even brought a size 6/6x bikini that is brand spankin' new. I left that in her suitcase and it will not see daylight during our time. It barely covers the "essential" parts!
So, yes people...we have to buy Alexis some clothing and it really aggravates me to no stinkin' end because she quite clearly does not fit the clothes she brought, and the fact that she KNOWS her mom knew they didn't fit and she even told her mom that those don't fit and her mom still sent them. Alexis was so upset and embarrassed. Whatever. The Lord will reward us and take care of us is what I have to remind myself!
I have decided now a topic for my book. If you read one of my blogs long ago, I said I wanted to write books but that I was having writer's block. Well, I'm going to write something for step-mom's. There isn't a lot out there from a Christian perspective. I belong to a stepmom website and from reading everyone's posts, I think there is a need! Maybe a devotional or something would be good. hmmmm......I've begun my research and now I just need to find the time to work on it!
So, yes people...we have to buy Alexis some clothing and it really aggravates me to no stinkin' end because she quite clearly does not fit the clothes she brought, and the fact that she KNOWS her mom knew they didn't fit and she even told her mom that those don't fit and her mom still sent them. Alexis was so upset and embarrassed. Whatever. The Lord will reward us and take care of us is what I have to remind myself!
I have decided now a topic for my book. If you read one of my blogs long ago, I said I wanted to write books but that I was having writer's block. Well, I'm going to write something for step-mom's. There isn't a lot out there from a Christian perspective. I belong to a stepmom website and from reading everyone's posts, I think there is a need! Maybe a devotional or something would be good. hmmmm......I've begun my research and now I just need to find the time to work on it!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
It's been a while since I blogged. Not that there hasn't been the usual amount of chaos in my life, I just didn't want to be depressing or boring:)
Alexis is coming on Friday evening. I'm very excited, yet nervous and anxious. There is always some sort of drama that comes along with it, at no fault of hers. I just can't wait for the day the drama ends. Seriously, what is so wrong with just getting along for the sake of your child? I don't get it. Marty does not ask for anything more than what is his right as a father. I don't see why that is such a bad thing. So this is my only boring/depressing paragraph and I will now move on. Just continue to keep us in prayer. My new way of praying for this situation is not so much that God will hurry up and bring her here but that Crystal will give her life back to Christ. She knows the truth and knows the Word. I truly believe she wants to change, but that maybe she feels like she is in too deep, or too far gone. Her childhood was a mess, her life's a mess, she's a mess. God LOVES messes. Pray that God shows us how to love her and give us that supernatural ability.
SOOOOOO....I have a new workout buddy. Angela. Whoohoo. We love the Y. I am loving the elliptical. Course, I haven't been since Saturday, so next time I get on, it will be hard. You have to do it pretty much every day or ever other day to be used to it. Maybe that's just me. Even still, I'm getting toned- no one else can really tell unless you see my naked. Not happening. I haven't lost weight, or clothing size. That stinks. Kinda weird, too. My friend that is a personal trainer said it's nothing to worry about, after babies some women tend to be thicker, even though they are toned and in great shape. Hm. Thanks, I think? She said I can expect to weigh more and be thicker, but in better shape. Ok? Whatev. I have been careful about eating and talking to a co-worker who also happens to be a nutritionist. Dang it. She said I had to give up sweet tea and fries? I may have been born in Michigan, but my family is bred from southerners. How the heck am I gonna give up sweet tea? Fries, maybe. SWEET TEA? Pooey. I did make iced Green Tea the other day instead of regular...and with just 1/4 cup of sugar instead of 1/2. I think that's good, right? At least a step in the right direction. I also learned, that, what a shock, carbs are my enemy! Pear shapes and those who carry it in the middle should really limit carbs. I'm sorry, but what else is left? So those people with HUGE shoulders and boobs and no waist can eat carbs? Lucky stiffs. Carbs are not my enemy. We are best friends, and they are quite comfy on my hips!
Alexis is coming on Friday evening. I'm very excited, yet nervous and anxious. There is always some sort of drama that comes along with it, at no fault of hers. I just can't wait for the day the drama ends. Seriously, what is so wrong with just getting along for the sake of your child? I don't get it. Marty does not ask for anything more than what is his right as a father. I don't see why that is such a bad thing. So this is my only boring/depressing paragraph and I will now move on. Just continue to keep us in prayer. My new way of praying for this situation is not so much that God will hurry up and bring her here but that Crystal will give her life back to Christ. She knows the truth and knows the Word. I truly believe she wants to change, but that maybe she feels like she is in too deep, or too far gone. Her childhood was a mess, her life's a mess, she's a mess. God LOVES messes. Pray that God shows us how to love her and give us that supernatural ability.
SOOOOOO....I have a new workout buddy. Angela. Whoohoo. We love the Y. I am loving the elliptical. Course, I haven't been since Saturday, so next time I get on, it will be hard. You have to do it pretty much every day or ever other day to be used to it. Maybe that's just me. Even still, I'm getting toned- no one else can really tell unless you see my naked. Not happening. I haven't lost weight, or clothing size. That stinks. Kinda weird, too. My friend that is a personal trainer said it's nothing to worry about, after babies some women tend to be thicker, even though they are toned and in great shape. Hm. Thanks, I think? She said I can expect to weigh more and be thicker, but in better shape. Ok? Whatev. I have been careful about eating and talking to a co-worker who also happens to be a nutritionist. Dang it. She said I had to give up sweet tea and fries? I may have been born in Michigan, but my family is bred from southerners. How the heck am I gonna give up sweet tea? Fries, maybe. SWEET TEA? Pooey. I did make iced Green Tea the other day instead of regular...and with just 1/4 cup of sugar instead of 1/2. I think that's good, right? At least a step in the right direction. I also learned, that, what a shock, carbs are my enemy! Pear shapes and those who carry it in the middle should really limit carbs. I'm sorry, but what else is left? So those people with HUGE shoulders and boobs and no waist can eat carbs? Lucky stiffs. Carbs are not my enemy. We are best friends, and they are quite comfy on my hips!
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