Today is one of those days I sit and think, "Wow, where did the year go? It's Easter already?" As a kid, I LOVED Easter. It meant new white sandals, a pretty dress, maybe a new white purse and lacy, turncuff socks. We'd wake up on Easter morning to find our clever (brown paper bag) Easter baskets, decorated with verses and stickers, filled with chocolate, Peeps, fake grass, and a softball or baseball. Yes, every year we got a new ball each. Oh, and I'd usually get sidewalk chalk or a jumprope and my brother would get baseball cards or a GI Joe. Ahhhh, every kid's dream.
Then I got older. I always knew the story of Easter, but as a kid, it seems like just another Bible story about people who were alive way before me and the stories really didn't seem all that different than hearing a story from my books. But, around 9 or 10, I had a revelation! WHAT?! He really died on a cross like that? It's not just an actor on a cross with gross, fake blood? For me? WHY ON EARTH would He do that? I've done nothing to deserve it! After that revelation, no Easter was the same. Sure, I still enjoyed my baskets and egg hunts, but maybe with a little twinge of guilt as I ate my chocolate wondering why I am enjoying a heavenly snack that has nothing to do with Jesus dying on the cross.
My personal decision with Easter is that we do give the kids Easter baskets. I'm taking Sammy to an Easter egg hunt. This year we may even dye eggs! I bought the kit and I even found a "religious" themed kit with stickers and the sinner's prayer! But, I put my Christian spin on it. Family Christian is a great place for clever items like the Jelly Bean Prayer and toys with the message of Easter on them. It is important for me that my kids understand Christians can have fun too, but we need to know the real truth behind the fun and games. Sammy is only 2 so it is hard for him to understand, but Alexis gets it. In fact, if her basket is filled with more socks and candy than items with the message of Easter, she makes sure to point it out! She always wants me to send extra stuff for her to share with her brother in Kentucky, and she even shares the story of Easter with her brother and friends, as she wants to make sure everyone she is close to understands the meaning of Easter is NOT egg hunts, bunnies and chocolate.
This isn't the most spiritualized, profound devotional, I know! But, it was what was in my mind and on my heart as I'm sitting down for the first time today thinking, "What, it's Wednesday? What happened to Monday?" Sometime in the process of rushing around this week trying to plan the perfect Easter baskets, buying the right dress and finding the perfect ham, stop and remember what it is we are really celebrating this weekend. It's not just the season, it's what I think is one of the most important, if not most important, day in Christianity!
Verses to Read: Romans 5:10; John 11:25; Luke chapters 23 and 24