Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I'm almost 30

The big day has come and gone. Now in adulthood, birthdays don't hold the same excitement as they did, say 20 years ago! Marty felt the need to remind me I am more than 1/2 way to 50...ok, well, he's 32, so whatever! He also wished me Happy Almost 30th birthday. I still have to turn 29 next year, but you know, 28 is a weird age. It's like limbo between having fun in your 20's and succumbing to the responsibility of work, life and kids in your 30's. He also thought it would be funny to add that he heard that having babies after 30 increases risks, so we should crank a few more out real quick...yeah, no thanks!

I am making a birthday resolution to take more vitamins, spend more time playing with Sammy rather than stressing about my messy house, and I need to give my anxiety, stress and depression (that the enemy sends to me through the mess that is Alexis's mother) to the Lord. I think less caffeine might help with that, too!

Whoever actually tunes into my blog, keep my family in prayer in regards to Alexis. She is being used as a pawn so bad, and all it does is hurt her. I just want to drive down and pick her up, bring her back and keep her safe from the ridiculous antics of her mother and grandmother. They conspire together to see what benefits them so that Marty's mom can get as much time with Alexis as possible. She stabs her own son in the back to befriend this manipulator, and it causes so much unnecessary strife. Pray for a miracle and for God's hand to move in this situation quickly.

I promise, my blogs are soon to be more positive, thought-provoking, genius-at-work writing that you won't be bored to tears by. Love you all!

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