Thursday, July 24, 2008

My headache

I have a crazy headache right now, but dang gone it, I'm blogging. For days I have been researching ways to make money from home (with no avail) and now I'm not sure if my headache is sinuses, stress or this new lotion I picked up at Bath and Body that smells wonderful, but maybe a little strong.
I've been sort of down this week, surely because Alexis is gone and Marty and I both get into a bit of a funk and can't quite figure out why. So I decided on some retail therapy last night. When I got home from work, I fed Sammy and off we went. I (gasp) skipped church so I could spend some one on one time with my boy (Marty had to work late). I debated between Fairlane and Southland, which is strange since I never go to Fairlane, so off to Southland we went. FYI- Children's Place Monster Sale. Nuff said. I got 5 shirts for $10. We went to Disney Store, American Eagle, Bath and Body...farted around. I did get two shirts for myself at AE, but instantly felt guilty when I left the store. Why is that? Why feel guilty? I have to have clothing. And I don't mean, "Oh, I have nothing to wear!" and my closet it jam packed. No, I literally have nothing to wear. I mean, I have some clothes, but I don't have much for this weather. Or fall either. Or winter. Or....oh, nevermind. Since I'm carrying an extra 20 lbs since pre-baby, I have a hard time finding clothes.
So funny Angela blogged about guacamole. I rarely eat after 7:30, definitely not dinner that late. So we get back from the mall at about 8pm and I'm fine. Then Marty gets home at 8:30 and brought home McDonald's Big Mac and fries. FRRRRIIIIEEEESSSSSS. yum.
I tell him, "Uh, we have spaghetti, and it's dee-lish."
"You didn't tell me you made dinner."
"You didn't ask. Couldn't you assume?"
"Ok, fine. So I wanted McDonalds."
"Thanks for seeing if I wanted something."
"You don't eat this late."
"You still didn't ask." So then I got up and ate Cheez-It's. I love Cheez-It's and hot tea. I know, weird. But that dang Big Mac smelled so wonderful, my stomach actually started growling. But, I had dinner and two pieces of bread with it, plus the stupid Cheez-It's as a snack! I DON'T EVEN LIKE BIG MACS. So like Ang, I fought the temptation to feed my belly something I didn't really need. Then I just went to bed and thought about how I wish I had a hot, juicy cheeseburger with pickles. And fries.

"McDonalds announced it’s considering a more humane way of slaughtering its animals. You know they fatten them up and then kill them. You know the same thing they do to their customers, isn’t it?" - Jay Leno

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