I have to admit, I actually posted this back in early September. I started to write my E-votional about worship music and how healing it can be, and then I happened on this blog and decided to repost it as the E-votional. Hope that's ok with everyone!
I'm obsessed with music. Worship music. I love lyrics. I won't listen to a song with poor lyrics, even if the melody or beat is great. You know how you have certain songs for certain issues you're dealing with, or you hear a song and it really hits you where you're at and you have to listen to it over and over? That is me and the song, "My Savior, My God" by Aaron Shust. It is so good! Maybe I think too deep, but I know a few who will appreciate my brain. The song starts out:
"I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior"
How many times do we try to figure out why God let something happen? Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things to good people? We can't figured it out. We are not skilled to understand! All we can do is trust in God, our Savior, who has redeemed us. Through him we can get through the trials because we have Faith, but we cannot even begin to understand the why's. This opening statement also reminds me of the verse, 1 Corinthians 2:9 "...No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, no mind can conceive what God has prepared for those who love Him..." I am HUGE on education. I don't think one should ever stop learning. I'm an advocate of lifelong education, taking classes, teaching others what you've learn. I am constantly googling for more understanding on various issues, words, people, etc. No matter how much you try to understand though, you will not being able to comprehend what God has in store for you. I keep repeating that line, "I am not skilled to understand..." I will post the rest of the lyrics below for you to read, and let sink in.
I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior
I take Him at His word and deed
Christ died to save me; this I read
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my savior
That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior
Chorus (2x's)
My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God He was, my God He is
My God is always gonna be
Yes, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring;
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Savior
That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior
Chorus 2x
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No, peeps, that's not really me....but that is how my car looked this morning, as I'm sure yours did. PRAISE JESUS for remote start! Although, my car was running 10 minutes and still not defrosted completely. I'm just not ready for this cold! But, I am grateful gas prices have gone down quite a bit, so I don't worry so much about the fuel burning to warm my car. It is well worth it!
I have my blog open in two windows. I'm not vain, but I did it so I could type in one and listen to my playlist in the other! I'm telling you, I'm loving it. To be cheesy- my heart skips when each songs starts. When Revelation Song comes on, I feel like I might fall out in the floor! I just want to stand up and shout right where I'm at, hands lifted high! Pretty much each song has a special meaning for me...I'll share:
Wonderful Maker- big song for me. I was very depressed when I was not able to return to Evangel University due to $$, and during this song in worship one day 7 years ago, God wrapped his arms around me and held me...I could feel it as though He was really right there physically hugging me.
Lead Me to the Cross- Amy introduced it to me and instantly I loved it. It affirms my Faith, and everytime I hear it I pray for the backsliders in my life.
Shadowfeet- a really pretty song, also introduced by Amy. A good reminder that God is always faithful and will get me through the many trials.
Revelation Song- FAVORITE song. Love it. I seriously can feel the Holy Spirit. It makes me want to just stop everything and worship. It affirms in me my strength in God and that I know He has great things in store for me.
Open Up your Eyes - love it. That's all. I want to play this song for the backsliders I'm praying for!
Give me your Eyes- reminds me of On Eagles Wings.
Crazy Dreams-makes me think of Alexis.
I'm Yours- so fun, love it. Makes me think of my hubster.
If You're Out There- powerful song, not a Christian song, but can be challenging like one.
One World- just like it.
Your Name- another great worship song that gets me going, almost as much as Revelation Song.
Might to Save- who doesn't love it?
Backyard-reminds me of back in the day
Angel- actually, I added it cause Marty likes it, but he is never on here...
Spend My Life with You- favorite wedding song....played it at my reception for Marty
Monday, November 17, 2008
Check out my playlist!
If you haven't noticed yet, I added a playlist! Yahoooooeeeeyy! I feel so accomplished. I realize Mrs. Rennie should be to thank for the awesome taste in music. At least three of the songs are because she introduced them to me....thanks, pal! Scroll down to view my playlist.
Meanwhile, I think I might hurl. I had one of those banquet frozen meals for lunch, and though I took it from the freezer, it wasn't totally frozen, which I thought was a little odd, but ate it anyway. Now I have a weird rumbling in my tummy. Hmmm....note to self, don't make that mistake again.
Meanwhile, I think I might hurl. I had one of those banquet frozen meals for lunch, and though I took it from the freezer, it wasn't totally frozen, which I thought was a little odd, but ate it anyway. Now I have a weird rumbling in my tummy. Hmmm....note to self, don't make that mistake again.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Fabulous Friday....
Today is Fab Friday.
My left nostril is completely blocked. Just the left one. It's causing my left eye to water.
I'm going to a tennis mixer tonight. With my mom. Look out Venus.
Tonight I will allow myself to download two songs for my MP3. After tennis, of course. I'm leaning towards a little John Legend "If You're Out There" and maybe some Hillsongs United or Shadowfeet by Brooke Fraser (thanks, Amy!)
I have my 30% off Friends and Family coupon for Old Navy and intend to use it today.
It's the weekend! YAHOOEY! Marty will be going out later on Saturday night, meaning I will have the tv to myself. I'm taking suggestions for a good chick flick.
I'm at work today, but Praise God it's Casual Day. I get so much more work done when I can wear jeans.
In 48 hours I will go to church, catch up with a few friends and be refreshed by the Word and praise and worship! No, wait.....I think I have nursery. Well, I'll be refreshed by friends.
That's about all for my boring ol' blog. Just needed to kill a few minutes....
My left nostril is completely blocked. Just the left one. It's causing my left eye to water.
I'm going to a tennis mixer tonight. With my mom. Look out Venus.
Tonight I will allow myself to download two songs for my MP3. After tennis, of course. I'm leaning towards a little John Legend "If You're Out There" and maybe some Hillsongs United or Shadowfeet by Brooke Fraser (thanks, Amy!)
I have my 30% off Friends and Family coupon for Old Navy and intend to use it today.
It's the weekend! YAHOOEY! Marty will be going out later on Saturday night, meaning I will have the tv to myself. I'm taking suggestions for a good chick flick.
I'm at work today, but Praise God it's Casual Day. I get so much more work done when I can wear jeans.
In 48 hours I will go to church, catch up with a few friends and be refreshed by the Word and praise and worship! No, wait.....I think I have nursery. Well, I'll be refreshed by friends.
That's about all for my boring ol' blog. Just needed to kill a few minutes....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Seriously, I need a vacation...
This week has been enough to push me over the edge! I'm stressed and sick but not defeated. Nope, I will not give the enemy the victory! I know that in spiritual battles, it gets worse before it gets better, so BRING IT ON!
Yes, peeps...I am sick. I have an ear infection, again...weird. I didn't think adults get those, but I get them maybe once or twice a cold season. As well as strep, I get that, too. As well as sinusitis, which is pretty much an ongoing issue, but every year at this same exact time of year I get a combo of strep, ear infection, bacterial sinus infection (meaning antibiotics are the only thing that will get rid of it!)....on top of that, it all started when Sammy got sick Thursday night with what I thought was the flu but I'm not sure. He has an ear infection and....ASTHMA. UGH. Marty is a little freaked and panicky and I think maybe a little weirded out by how relaxed I am about it. Ok, so when the Home Healthcare truck pulled up at 9pm last night with a nebulizer the reality hit me a little bit, but hey, I'll take asthma over a slew of other things that are WAY worse. Plus, it's not even that bad. He really will only need it at night, and maybe during the day. My sitter is going to keep an eye on the coughing and I totally trust her judgement. Her kid had to use a nebulizer for 10 years, so pretty sure she knows what she is doing! I love her!
At cafe on Saturday we said what we were thankful for. I had a hard time thinking of something because really, it's been one thing after another for a few months now! BUT...I have reevaluated and here is my list:
1. I am grateful that I serve a God that promised to provide all my needs
2. I am grateful I have two great, generally healthy, very smart kids
3. I am grateful for friends that I can depend on and lean on
4. I am grateful to live in a country where I can attend a church of my choice and have the freedom of speech.....for now anyway!
5. I am grateful that despite the war the enemy has waged on mine and Marty's moola, I have Faith in God's promise to take care of me and the promise to bring Alexis HOME. (in case you don't get it, once she is home, that is $500+ we won't be sending to her mom each month just so she can go party with it)
6. I am grateful that I have a vehicle that runs good and will be dependable this winter! Lord knows, I spent too many winters driving a beater!
Yes, peeps...I am sick. I have an ear infection, again...weird. I didn't think adults get those, but I get them maybe once or twice a cold season. As well as strep, I get that, too. As well as sinusitis, which is pretty much an ongoing issue, but every year at this same exact time of year I get a combo of strep, ear infection, bacterial sinus infection (meaning antibiotics are the only thing that will get rid of it!)....on top of that, it all started when Sammy got sick Thursday night with what I thought was the flu but I'm not sure. He has an ear infection and....ASTHMA. UGH. Marty is a little freaked and panicky and I think maybe a little weirded out by how relaxed I am about it. Ok, so when the Home Healthcare truck pulled up at 9pm last night with a nebulizer the reality hit me a little bit, but hey, I'll take asthma over a slew of other things that are WAY worse. Plus, it's not even that bad. He really will only need it at night, and maybe during the day. My sitter is going to keep an eye on the coughing and I totally trust her judgement. Her kid had to use a nebulizer for 10 years, so pretty sure she knows what she is doing! I love her!
At cafe on Saturday we said what we were thankful for. I had a hard time thinking of something because really, it's been one thing after another for a few months now! BUT...I have reevaluated and here is my list:
1. I am grateful that I serve a God that promised to provide all my needs
2. I am grateful I have two great, generally healthy, very smart kids
3. I am grateful for friends that I can depend on and lean on
4. I am grateful to live in a country where I can attend a church of my choice and have the freedom of speech.....for now anyway!
5. I am grateful that despite the war the enemy has waged on mine and Marty's moola, I have Faith in God's promise to take care of me and the promise to bring Alexis HOME. (in case you don't get it, once she is home, that is $500+ we won't be sending to her mom each month just so she can go party with it)
6. I am grateful that I have a vehicle that runs good and will be dependable this winter! Lord knows, I spent too many winters driving a beater!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My roots are showing!!! M&M E-Votional Week 7
Yeah, that's right. I highlight my hair. It started years ago as a few subtle highlights to give my mousy, brown hair a boost. Years later, the blonde has taken over. I have to have regular appointments to keep the roots covered. Since I postponed my last one, my roots are quite visible!
While you are thinking that this is a vain complaint, there is a spiritual side. Me and a good friend of mine try to make a spiritual twist on everything. It's quite fun and challenging. I recommend trying it! Back to the roots: As believers, we each have spiritual roots, and these roots feed us spiritually. If our spiritual roots are planted deep in God, you may not see them, but our lives will show the fruit through our fruits of the Spirit. The opposite is also true. If our roots are showing, our lives will be drab, dingy and lifeless....just like my hair when it is desperate need for a touch-up! Although my hairdresser is very talented at bringing my hair back to life, her work is only temporary, and I have to return on a regular basis to maintain the desired look. The same can be said for maintaining deep roots in Christ!
The power of Christ in our lives can only be maintained by regularly fellowship and prayer with Him. Too often we allow the demands of work, family and even ministry to interfere with our appointments with God. It is when we miss our appointments with him, or "postpone" our time with him, that our weakened roots begin to show.
If we want to be strong witnesses for Him, we must maintain our roots. We must spend time with our "root specialist", Jesus Christ, on a regular and consistent basis.
Verses to Read: Galations 5:22; Hosea 14:5; Psalms 19:14
While you are thinking that this is a vain complaint, there is a spiritual side. Me and a good friend of mine try to make a spiritual twist on everything. It's quite fun and challenging. I recommend trying it! Back to the roots: As believers, we each have spiritual roots, and these roots feed us spiritually. If our spiritual roots are planted deep in God, you may not see them, but our lives will show the fruit through our fruits of the Spirit. The opposite is also true. If our roots are showing, our lives will be drab, dingy and lifeless....just like my hair when it is desperate need for a touch-up! Although my hairdresser is very talented at bringing my hair back to life, her work is only temporary, and I have to return on a regular basis to maintain the desired look. The same can be said for maintaining deep roots in Christ!
The power of Christ in our lives can only be maintained by regularly fellowship and prayer with Him. Too often we allow the demands of work, family and even ministry to interfere with our appointments with God. It is when we miss our appointments with him, or "postpone" our time with him, that our weakened roots begin to show.
If we want to be strong witnesses for Him, we must maintain our roots. We must spend time with our "root specialist", Jesus Christ, on a regular and consistent basis.
Verses to Read: Galations 5:22; Hosea 14:5; Psalms 19:14
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The end is near...not to be dramatic or anything :)
Well, I went to bed after they announced Ohio. How about you? Truth be told, and this isn't hindsight speaking, I was just afraid to admit it out loud. I've been feeling for the last few days as I pumped up McCain that Obama was going to win, and I believe it is something God has allowed in preparation for the rapture. It is where we are in society. It is not he that is evil, it is what he and his party want to legalize. As a fellow "Christian" so he claims, I just don't understand how he can sleep at night supporting it. When given the power to stop it, how can you say, "Well, I can't morally stop people from doing what they want to do." Why not? Isn't that part of leadership, stopping what is wrong and leading people to right decisions?
Our new President elect has two young girls. How will he protect them? He has at least four years to shape the world, or at least nation, that they will grow up in. What will he do for their education? What will he do for their morals? If one should grow up and want to marry their girlfriend, will he happily walk her down the aisle? How will he teach them our Christian faith and beliefs that he claims he shares? Will they ask him, "But, Daddy, if the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, how come you told America it's ok?" Or, "Daddy, if the Bible says we should choose life, why do you let those women kill their unborn babies?" My thoughts are, how much is all this legalizing of things I don't condone gonna cost me?
I am actually excited for this time in history. Truth be told, I know where I'm going when my life is over, and I know that God will see me through every battle along the way. I think it is great we have come to a point where an African-American can say, " I CAN become President!" I think it will do great things for the young people as far as believing in themselves that if they work hard, they can achieve their goals, however wild those goals may seem. But, I am disappointed about where we are. It isn't about the race, gender, person. It's about the beliefs and the demoralization of America. Look back 100 years in history. 1908. Religion, mostly Catholism, was a norm. Most everyone professed a belief in God. Many sins of now that are so norm where not heard of or spoken of. As time has gone on we've removed prayer from schools, divorces are now "ok", homosexuality is acceptable and abortions are legal. Where will we be in 100 years from now? Well, I know where I'll be. But where will we be in 10 years, or 4 years? Sodom and Gommora is coming back with a vengence and satan couldn't be more proud. Of course, the Bible does say their will be widespread revival before he returns so we can hope that Obama will get radically saved while in office.
To go back to one of my favorite quotes by the lovely Aunt May (Peter Parker's aunt) "With great power comes great responsibility." Will Obama take responsibility for the lives he's about the change, both the good and the bad?
If anything in my blog has offended you, then, well....this is my blog. My opinions. I voted by my convictions. When a woman has her 5th abortion I can say I tried to stop her. When your third grader comes home from school letting you know that they read in class about a man who married his life partner and that man is his teacher, I can say I tried to uphold what the Bible commands of us. How can we teach our kids right from wrong when the world condones what is wrong?
EDIT: I just needed to add that someone sent me a random forward, one of those ones that tells you the shortest chapter of the Bible, the longest, the fact the Psalm 118 is the middle, etc. So the closing verse was Psalm 118:8. How appropriate for today :) Look it up.
EDIT EDIT: Sorry to make this longer, but you MUST read Kelly's blog. You can access it on the right of my page where I have Angela, Missy and Kelly listed.
Our new President elect has two young girls. How will he protect them? He has at least four years to shape the world, or at least nation, that they will grow up in. What will he do for their education? What will he do for their morals? If one should grow up and want to marry their girlfriend, will he happily walk her down the aisle? How will he teach them our Christian faith and beliefs that he claims he shares? Will they ask him, "But, Daddy, if the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, how come you told America it's ok?" Or, "Daddy, if the Bible says we should choose life, why do you let those women kill their unborn babies?" My thoughts are, how much is all this legalizing of things I don't condone gonna cost me?
I am actually excited for this time in history. Truth be told, I know where I'm going when my life is over, and I know that God will see me through every battle along the way. I think it is great we have come to a point where an African-American can say, " I CAN become President!" I think it will do great things for the young people as far as believing in themselves that if they work hard, they can achieve their goals, however wild those goals may seem. But, I am disappointed about where we are. It isn't about the race, gender, person. It's about the beliefs and the demoralization of America. Look back 100 years in history. 1908. Religion, mostly Catholism, was a norm. Most everyone professed a belief in God. Many sins of now that are so norm where not heard of or spoken of. As time has gone on we've removed prayer from schools, divorces are now "ok", homosexuality is acceptable and abortions are legal. Where will we be in 100 years from now? Well, I know where I'll be. But where will we be in 10 years, or 4 years? Sodom and Gommora is coming back with a vengence and satan couldn't be more proud. Of course, the Bible does say their will be widespread revival before he returns so we can hope that Obama will get radically saved while in office.
To go back to one of my favorite quotes by the lovely Aunt May (Peter Parker's aunt) "With great power comes great responsibility." Will Obama take responsibility for the lives he's about the change, both the good and the bad?
If anything in my blog has offended you, then, well....this is my blog. My opinions. I voted by my convictions. When a woman has her 5th abortion I can say I tried to stop her. When your third grader comes home from school letting you know that they read in class about a man who married his life partner and that man is his teacher, I can say I tried to uphold what the Bible commands of us. How can we teach our kids right from wrong when the world condones what is wrong?
EDIT: I just needed to add that someone sent me a random forward, one of those ones that tells you the shortest chapter of the Bible, the longest, the fact the Psalm 118 is the middle, etc. So the closing verse was Psalm 118:8. How appropriate for today :) Look it up.
EDIT EDIT: Sorry to make this longer, but you MUST read Kelly's blog. You can access it on the right of my page where I have Angela, Missy and Kelly listed.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow is a history- making day! Don't forget to go vote! I'll babysit your kid if you need me to, but most polling centers don't mind if you drag your rugrats along. I'll be taking an early lunch so I can go cast my vote. It's our right, and dang it, it's one of our rights that the government is not trying to take away!
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