Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The end is near...not to be dramatic or anything :)

Well, I went to bed after they announced Ohio. How about you? Truth be told, and this isn't hindsight speaking, I was just afraid to admit it out loud. I've been feeling for the last few days as I pumped up McCain that Obama was going to win, and I believe it is something God has allowed in preparation for the rapture. It is where we are in society. It is not he that is evil, it is what he and his party want to legalize. As a fellow "Christian" so he claims, I just don't understand how he can sleep at night supporting it. When given the power to stop it, how can you say, "Well, I can't morally stop people from doing what they want to do." Why not? Isn't that part of leadership, stopping what is wrong and leading people to right decisions?

Our new President elect has two young girls. How will he protect them? He has at least four years to shape the world, or at least nation, that they will grow up in. What will he do for their education? What will he do for their morals? If one should grow up and want to marry their girlfriend, will he happily walk her down the aisle? How will he teach them our Christian faith and beliefs that he claims he shares? Will they ask him, "But, Daddy, if the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, how come you told America it's ok?" Or, "Daddy, if the Bible says we should choose life, why do you let those women kill their unborn babies?" My thoughts are, how much is all this legalizing of things I don't condone gonna cost me?

I am actually excited for this time in history. Truth be told, I know where I'm going when my life is over, and I know that God will see me through every battle along the way. I think it is great we have come to a point where an African-American can say, " I CAN become President!" I think it will do great things for the young people as far as believing in themselves that if they work hard, they can achieve their goals, however wild those goals may seem. But, I am disappointed about where we are. It isn't about the race, gender, person. It's about the beliefs and the demoralization of America. Look back 100 years in history. 1908. Religion, mostly Catholism, was a norm. Most everyone professed a belief in God. Many sins of now that are so norm where not heard of or spoken of. As time has gone on we've removed prayer from schools, divorces are now "ok", homosexuality is acceptable and abortions are legal. Where will we be in 100 years from now? Well, I know where I'll be. But where will we be in 10 years, or 4 years? Sodom and Gommora is coming back with a vengence and satan couldn't be more proud. Of course, the Bible does say their will be widespread revival before he returns so we can hope that Obama will get radically saved while in office.

To go back to one of my favorite quotes by the lovely Aunt May (Peter Parker's aunt) "With great power comes great responsibility." Will Obama take responsibility for the lives he's about the change, both the good and the bad?

If anything in my blog has offended you, then, well....this is my blog. My opinions. I voted by my convictions. When a woman has her 5th abortion I can say I tried to stop her. When your third grader comes home from school letting you know that they read in class about a man who married his life partner and that man is his teacher, I can say I tried to uphold what the Bible commands of us. How can we teach our kids right from wrong when the world condones what is wrong?

EDIT: I just needed to add that someone sent me a random forward, one of those ones that tells you the shortest chapter of the Bible, the longest, the fact the Psalm 118 is the middle, etc. So the closing verse was Psalm 118:8. How appropriate for today :) Look it up.

EDIT EDIT: Sorry to make this longer, but you MUST read Kelly's blog. You can access it on the right of my page where I have Angela, Missy and Kelly listed.

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