What a refreshing weekend I had at Eagle's Wings! I know many of you didn't go, and I strongly encourage that you make plans to attend next year. It will change your walk with the Lord for the better. Consider it a "strength-training" weekend! Not only will you build stronger relationships with your girlfriends in Christ, and build new ones, but the very atmosphere at Clear Lake Ranch is breathtaking. How can you NOT see God there?
In case you don't know me, I am HUGE into worship music. I love to soak in it, focus on the words and really personalize each song. When I hear new ones that really speak to me, I HAVE to share it! So with you, I want to share a great Rita Springer song we sang:
I am blessed among the people,
I am blessed among the Nations,
I am blessed because I am loved by You
I am loved and highly favored
Saved by the grace of a Mighty Savior
I am blessed because I am loved by You
No weapon formed against me will prosper
No curse can ever take His promises from me
When hope is gone and the darkness has fallen
I will still believe, I will still believe
I will rise up
I will rise up
I will rise up and call myself BLESSED!!!
Ok, so I put the emphasis on that last "blessed"...you are a Child of GOD! You also are blessed and highly favored! It sometimes amazes me how many women feel they are not worthy to inherit the promises God has for us. The words of this song spoke to me so deeply. I have had the enemy attack me in so many ways personally and spiritually as far as depression, anxiety, fear, relationships, finances, family, self-confidence, etc. Having grown up in church, I know to be strong, I know what advice a Christian would give me and amazingly that makes it worse because then I feel guilty for worrying, being depressed, having problems I can't fix. HELLO! None of us can fix our problems! Not without God!
This week has been yet another trial for me. One thing after another, I've been blindsided by attacks from the enemy. Praise God I was able to make it to my "strength-training" weekend or I would not have had the ability to get through the last few days. This song was on constant repeat in my head all week, even during the most painful moments. I AM blessed and HIGHLY FAVORED! I AM saved by the grace of a MIGHTY savior! No weapon formed against me will prosper, no one can take HIS PROMISE from me! It is when all hope is gone and darkness is fallen that we MUST still believe! I encourage you to personalize this song in your life. What is trying to keep you from the promises of God? A relationship or lack thereof? Money issues? Depression? Feelings of unworthiness? You name it and declare to yourself and that situation this song! I WILL rise up! I WILL call myself BLESSED!!!! No weapon formed against me will prosper! As a mentor/mentee team, I encourage you to discuss what this means in your life and how these very words can give you the strength to overcome even the darkest areas of your life.
Verses: Isaiah 54:17; Numbers 10:35; Dueteronomy 28:7; Luke 1:45; Dueteronomy 7:14
Friday, October 16, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Where do I go from here? M&M e-votional
So you got saved. Maybe it was 20+ years ago, maybe it was a few weeks ago. Common still is the question, "What should I be doing?" Well, part of that answer is simple. The Great Commission. Go into all the earth and preach the gospel. It doesn't mean you have to hop the next plane to Pakistan with Ray and John. It doesn't mean you have to sell all your belongings and go live in a hut in some jungle. Your mission might be right inside the walls of our church.
Whether you are mentor or mentee, you have both made a big step in your walk with the Lord. He gave us the gift of salvation, and you are showing your gratitude by wanting to go deeper. Don't think mentors don't grow from this relationship! You can never be too "saved" to grow deeper.
But what's next? I've been saved my whole life, and I still asked that question. I still get in ruts. I often feel inadequate, unworthy, and often question: "Is this it? Is this all I'm going to do with my life?" I want to do more. We also have a time and place in our lives for everything; we Christians refer to them as "seasons"! I have many ideas and things I'd like to do, but I'm also popping out a baby in February and have a 3-year old son. Now is not the time for me to hit the road with my ministry!
What are you called to do? If you don't know, answer this: What do you have a passion for? What do you like to do? God knows our strengths and weaknesses. He isn't going to call you to something you hate! Maybe you love children. Maybe you like praying with people and giving encouragement. Praying for the needs of the body of Christ might be what you enjoy. Or, maybe you just want to keep learning, and you have a thirst for knowledge. Maybe you have a strong desire to teach those thirsting for knowledge the way you once did earlier in your Christian walk. Maybe you like to make coffee. Guess what? We have a place for you in ministry at Faith!
What I don't understand is why we have 500 people on a Sunday morning and so many claiming they want to go deeper, do more, live out the Great Commission....but a couple dozen people show up Sunday nights, even less sign up for Bible Studies. Granted, in this society we are too busy. You may be thinking, "I'd love to get more involved, but I'm already committed to so many other things outside of church." Well, let me ask you this, is there anything you can scale back on to make more room for God in your life? This makes me think of the movie Sister Act. By the way, you totally get to experience the Sarah Mouser randomness right now. Remember in Sister Act they remade secular songs? Well the one song was, "What has he done for me lately?" But, on Sister Act they rewrote the lyrics to say, "What have YOU done for HIM lately?" I'm not kidding, that song does pop in my head from time to time and I feel the conviction! You don't have to lead a ministry to give back to God, you can SUPPORT His ministries by being involved, making them successful by your participation. Trust me. The blessings you will receive are immeasureable.
I don't want to live a mediocre life. This is what has been on my mind the last several weeks as I've been preparing myself for Eagle's Wings. I'm not called to mediocracy. I want to go beyond that. I want to be more than Marty's wife and a mom to his kids. I want to be Sarah Mouser: A Great Asset in the Kingdom of God. Someone the devil fears. I have much deeper to grow before I get to where I am going, but at least I'm stepping up.
Verses: Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 6:13; Psalms 144:1; Hebrews 6:1
Whether you are mentor or mentee, you have both made a big step in your walk with the Lord. He gave us the gift of salvation, and you are showing your gratitude by wanting to go deeper. Don't think mentors don't grow from this relationship! You can never be too "saved" to grow deeper.
But what's next? I've been saved my whole life, and I still asked that question. I still get in ruts. I often feel inadequate, unworthy, and often question: "Is this it? Is this all I'm going to do with my life?" I want to do more. We also have a time and place in our lives for everything; we Christians refer to them as "seasons"! I have many ideas and things I'd like to do, but I'm also popping out a baby in February and have a 3-year old son. Now is not the time for me to hit the road with my ministry!
What are you called to do? If you don't know, answer this: What do you have a passion for? What do you like to do? God knows our strengths and weaknesses. He isn't going to call you to something you hate! Maybe you love children. Maybe you like praying with people and giving encouragement. Praying for the needs of the body of Christ might be what you enjoy. Or, maybe you just want to keep learning, and you have a thirst for knowledge. Maybe you have a strong desire to teach those thirsting for knowledge the way you once did earlier in your Christian walk. Maybe you like to make coffee. Guess what? We have a place for you in ministry at Faith!
What I don't understand is why we have 500 people on a Sunday morning and so many claiming they want to go deeper, do more, live out the Great Commission....but a couple dozen people show up Sunday nights, even less sign up for Bible Studies. Granted, in this society we are too busy. You may be thinking, "I'd love to get more involved, but I'm already committed to so many other things outside of church." Well, let me ask you this, is there anything you can scale back on to make more room for God in your life? This makes me think of the movie Sister Act. By the way, you totally get to experience the Sarah Mouser randomness right now. Remember in Sister Act they remade secular songs? Well the one song was, "What has he done for me lately?" But, on Sister Act they rewrote the lyrics to say, "What have YOU done for HIM lately?" I'm not kidding, that song does pop in my head from time to time and I feel the conviction! You don't have to lead a ministry to give back to God, you can SUPPORT His ministries by being involved, making them successful by your participation. Trust me. The blessings you will receive are immeasureable.
I don't want to live a mediocre life. This is what has been on my mind the last several weeks as I've been preparing myself for Eagle's Wings. I'm not called to mediocracy. I want to go beyond that. I want to be more than Marty's wife and a mom to his kids. I want to be Sarah Mouser: A Great Asset in the Kingdom of God. Someone the devil fears. I have much deeper to grow before I get to where I am going, but at least I'm stepping up.
Verses: Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 6:13; Psalms 144:1; Hebrews 6:1
Friday, September 25, 2009
Staying in Step with the Spirit/M&M week 3
When I was in 9th grade, I was in marching band. I played the flute. I was totally self-conscious and so afraid I would play the wrong note, I would just fake it that I was playing and hope my band teacher didn't notice. It was too hard to concentrate on marching in beat with everyone else AND play at the same time! That's like chewing gum and walking! The girl behind me however was always a 1/2 step a head of the beat. Every few turns, she would stomp on my foot and I would stumble, and the band teacher would glare at me, thinking I was the one off beat! It was so frustrating! The teacher would always tell us that if you rush and make the wrong step, you mess up the whole plan, and it is difficult to get back to where we need to be.
I think keeping in step with the Spirit is like that. We have to find the right beat, or timing and stay in sync with God's plan for our lives. This requires of us discipline and admitting we do not have perfect timing. If we step out of line to do our own thing, it will only be that much harder to find our way back to where He wants us to be.
We aren't perfect. We want things when we want them. We want our prayers answered immediately, our families saved, the perfect job, the perfect spouse, a big house, our children to follow God always, etc. When our prayers aren't being answered in OUR timing, it is easy to step out of line and try to make something happen before God's timing. How many know that forcing something to happen in our timing rather than God's always seems to have a consequence? Often times it means more heartache, frustration, grief and anxiety. We even lose focus and faith.
Also as easy as rushing ahead is lagging behind, the not knowing what God wants of us. What do many people do when they don't know what God wants us to do? Nothing. They wait for what they believe God is going to do for them. When nothing happens, they lose faith and question God's plan. If God's plan for you is not clear, one thing is: trust Him. Be consistent in prayer and your devotion, talk to your mentor or an accountability partner. Have prayer partners. God NEVER lets us down, but we can let ourselves down. Through trust and prayer, we are sure to continue to march in step.
Verses: Galations 5:25; Micah 6:8;
I think keeping in step with the Spirit is like that. We have to find the right beat, or timing and stay in sync with God's plan for our lives. This requires of us discipline and admitting we do not have perfect timing. If we step out of line to do our own thing, it will only be that much harder to find our way back to where He wants us to be.
We aren't perfect. We want things when we want them. We want our prayers answered immediately, our families saved, the perfect job, the perfect spouse, a big house, our children to follow God always, etc. When our prayers aren't being answered in OUR timing, it is easy to step out of line and try to make something happen before God's timing. How many know that forcing something to happen in our timing rather than God's always seems to have a consequence? Often times it means more heartache, frustration, grief and anxiety. We even lose focus and faith.
Also as easy as rushing ahead is lagging behind, the not knowing what God wants of us. What do many people do when they don't know what God wants us to do? Nothing. They wait for what they believe God is going to do for them. When nothing happens, they lose faith and question God's plan. If God's plan for you is not clear, one thing is: trust Him. Be consistent in prayer and your devotion, talk to your mentor or an accountability partner. Have prayer partners. God NEVER lets us down, but we can let ourselves down. Through trust and prayer, we are sure to continue to march in step.
Verses: Galations 5:25; Micah 6:8;
Friday, September 11, 2009
M&M E-Votional Week 1--Lies the Devil Tells Us
What a busy week it has been for me! Strange, because I work very part-time and my son was visiting his grandparents all week! Still, the week seemed to fly by! As I prayed and read and tried to think of what to write about for our e-votional, negative thoughts floated my way.
Who are you to write this E-votional? You have no skill! No wisdom!
No one will like what you write.
No one even knows who you are, and they don't care.
I've also been dealing with some issues lately that I thought would have been taken care of by now through much prayer, and haven't. Again, negative thoughts.
Why would God answer your prayer? You're not important.
You wasted your time and energy praying for something that isn't going to happen.
A man gave you a word, and he's just man. He lied just to get your hopes up for nothing. He doesn't really have the prophetic gift.
Your husband obviously doesn't care about the situation because he isn't showing he cares.
God doesn't care that you are hurt, he is the one that let you get hurt.
I even got depressed and felt worthless.
Why are you having another baby? You can't take care of the one you have.
You don't deserve to have kids.
You aren't going to be able to afford all the things you need, you don't even have room in your house, stupid.
You should be working full-time. You can't afford to be home.
Of course, the thoughts when I was working were: You are a loser for working full-time. You aren't even raising your own child. You obviously don't care about your family's needs if you are working full-time.
How crazy am I?! And how crazy are you?! Do you allow the father of lies to speak negative thoughts into your life?
You're fat. You shouldn't even go to church. It's embarrassing.
No one likes you, you have a boring personality.
Your hair looks so bad, don't go out in public.
You have no nice clothes, definitely don't go out witnessing.
Ew, what's up with your skin? You're going to scare people away.
Don't host anything at your house. People will see how messy or unstylish you are.
You don't deserve happiness. That's why God lets you be miserable.
Don't believe those things! Those are all LIES! God created us and LOVES us. When we are sad or upset about something, He wants to comfort us, sing over us, be there for us in our time of need! But, too often we get so caught up in these negative thoughts, we can't even see that it is the devil putting them into our head to keep us from doing what God has planned for us! John 8:44 even says "...he was a murder from the beginning, speaking no truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is the father of lies." Many times we miss out on blessings God has for us because we are so consumed with thinking about the negative things! God doesn't speak negative, He only speak positive.
I love you! You are my beloved!
I created you because I WANTED YOU.
You are a beautiful creation and you are blessed.
Be with me! Come dine with me! Be in my presence!
I will take care of your needs! Cast your burdens on me, don't carry them!
The great thing about M&M is you now have a mentor that can support you and help to guide you in being more positive and casting out those negative lies! I promise you, your mentor has also had a problem with it at some point in their lives! Mentors, you are a mentor because God wants you to be one! You are good enough! You do have something positive to pour into another woman's life! You do have wisdom!
This week I have set a goal. When the negative thoughts creep in, I will stop what I'm doing and rebuke it. I will remind myself of what positive things God is doing in my life and lives around me. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but I know God is there to catch us when we fall.
Verses: Psalm 36:7; Zeph 3:17; 1 John 3:1; Psalm 121:1-2
Who are you to write this E-votional? You have no skill! No wisdom!
No one will like what you write.
No one even knows who you are, and they don't care.
I've also been dealing with some issues lately that I thought would have been taken care of by now through much prayer, and haven't. Again, negative thoughts.
Why would God answer your prayer? You're not important.
You wasted your time and energy praying for something that isn't going to happen.
A man gave you a word, and he's just man. He lied just to get your hopes up for nothing. He doesn't really have the prophetic gift.
Your husband obviously doesn't care about the situation because he isn't showing he cares.
God doesn't care that you are hurt, he is the one that let you get hurt.
I even got depressed and felt worthless.
Why are you having another baby? You can't take care of the one you have.
You don't deserve to have kids.
You aren't going to be able to afford all the things you need, you don't even have room in your house, stupid.
You should be working full-time. You can't afford to be home.
Of course, the thoughts when I was working were: You are a loser for working full-time. You aren't even raising your own child. You obviously don't care about your family's needs if you are working full-time.
How crazy am I?! And how crazy are you?! Do you allow the father of lies to speak negative thoughts into your life?
You're fat. You shouldn't even go to church. It's embarrassing.
No one likes you, you have a boring personality.
Your hair looks so bad, don't go out in public.
You have no nice clothes, definitely don't go out witnessing.
Ew, what's up with your skin? You're going to scare people away.
Don't host anything at your house. People will see how messy or unstylish you are.
You don't deserve happiness. That's why God lets you be miserable.
Don't believe those things! Those are all LIES! God created us and LOVES us. When we are sad or upset about something, He wants to comfort us, sing over us, be there for us in our time of need! But, too often we get so caught up in these negative thoughts, we can't even see that it is the devil putting them into our head to keep us from doing what God has planned for us! John 8:44 even says "...he was a murder from the beginning, speaking no truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is the father of lies." Many times we miss out on blessings God has for us because we are so consumed with thinking about the negative things! God doesn't speak negative, He only speak positive.
I love you! You are my beloved!
I created you because I WANTED YOU.
You are a beautiful creation and you are blessed.
Be with me! Come dine with me! Be in my presence!
I will take care of your needs! Cast your burdens on me, don't carry them!
The great thing about M&M is you now have a mentor that can support you and help to guide you in being more positive and casting out those negative lies! I promise you, your mentor has also had a problem with it at some point in their lives! Mentors, you are a mentor because God wants you to be one! You are good enough! You do have something positive to pour into another woman's life! You do have wisdom!
This week I have set a goal. When the negative thoughts creep in, I will stop what I'm doing and rebuke it. I will remind myself of what positive things God is doing in my life and lives around me. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but I know God is there to catch us when we fall.
Verses: Psalm 36:7; Zeph 3:17; 1 John 3:1; Psalm 121:1-2
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
M&M E-Votional week 4 - April 8th, 2009
Today is one of those days I sit and think, "Wow, where did the year go? It's Easter already?" As a kid, I LOVED Easter. It meant new white sandals, a pretty dress, maybe a new white purse and lacy, turncuff socks. We'd wake up on Easter morning to find our clever (brown paper bag) Easter baskets, decorated with verses and stickers, filled with chocolate, Peeps, fake grass, and a softball or baseball. Yes, every year we got a new ball each. Oh, and I'd usually get sidewalk chalk or a jumprope and my brother would get baseball cards or a GI Joe. Ahhhh, every kid's dream.
Then I got older. I always knew the story of Easter, but as a kid, it seems like just another Bible story about people who were alive way before me and the stories really didn't seem all that different than hearing a story from my books. But, around 9 or 10, I had a revelation! WHAT?! He really died on a cross like that? It's not just an actor on a cross with gross, fake blood? For me? WHY ON EARTH would He do that? I've done nothing to deserve it! After that revelation, no Easter was the same. Sure, I still enjoyed my baskets and egg hunts, but maybe with a little twinge of guilt as I ate my chocolate wondering why I am enjoying a heavenly snack that has nothing to do with Jesus dying on the cross.
My personal decision with Easter is that we do give the kids Easter baskets. I'm taking Sammy to an Easter egg hunt. This year we may even dye eggs! I bought the kit and I even found a "religious" themed kit with stickers and the sinner's prayer! But, I put my Christian spin on it. Family Christian is a great place for clever items like the Jelly Bean Prayer and toys with the message of Easter on them. It is important for me that my kids understand Christians can have fun too, but we need to know the real truth behind the fun and games. Sammy is only 2 so it is hard for him to understand, but Alexis gets it. In fact, if her basket is filled with more socks and candy than items with the message of Easter, she makes sure to point it out! She always wants me to send extra stuff for her to share with her brother in Kentucky, and she even shares the story of Easter with her brother and friends, as she wants to make sure everyone she is close to understands the meaning of Easter is NOT egg hunts, bunnies and chocolate.
This isn't the most spiritualized, profound devotional, I know! But, it was what was in my mind and on my heart as I'm sitting down for the first time today thinking, "What, it's Wednesday? What happened to Monday?" Sometime in the process of rushing around this week trying to plan the perfect Easter baskets, buying the right dress and finding the perfect ham, stop and remember what it is we are really celebrating this weekend. It's not just the season, it's what I think is one of the most important, if not most important, day in Christianity!
Verses to Read: Romans 5:10; John 11:25; Luke chapters 23 and 24
Then I got older. I always knew the story of Easter, but as a kid, it seems like just another Bible story about people who were alive way before me and the stories really didn't seem all that different than hearing a story from my books. But, around 9 or 10, I had a revelation! WHAT?! He really died on a cross like that? It's not just an actor on a cross with gross, fake blood? For me? WHY ON EARTH would He do that? I've done nothing to deserve it! After that revelation, no Easter was the same. Sure, I still enjoyed my baskets and egg hunts, but maybe with a little twinge of guilt as I ate my chocolate wondering why I am enjoying a heavenly snack that has nothing to do with Jesus dying on the cross.
My personal decision with Easter is that we do give the kids Easter baskets. I'm taking Sammy to an Easter egg hunt. This year we may even dye eggs! I bought the kit and I even found a "religious" themed kit with stickers and the sinner's prayer! But, I put my Christian spin on it. Family Christian is a great place for clever items like the Jelly Bean Prayer and toys with the message of Easter on them. It is important for me that my kids understand Christians can have fun too, but we need to know the real truth behind the fun and games. Sammy is only 2 so it is hard for him to understand, but Alexis gets it. In fact, if her basket is filled with more socks and candy than items with the message of Easter, she makes sure to point it out! She always wants me to send extra stuff for her to share with her brother in Kentucky, and she even shares the story of Easter with her brother and friends, as she wants to make sure everyone she is close to understands the meaning of Easter is NOT egg hunts, bunnies and chocolate.
This isn't the most spiritualized, profound devotional, I know! But, it was what was in my mind and on my heart as I'm sitting down for the first time today thinking, "What, it's Wednesday? What happened to Monday?" Sometime in the process of rushing around this week trying to plan the perfect Easter baskets, buying the right dress and finding the perfect ham, stop and remember what it is we are really celebrating this weekend. It's not just the season, it's what I think is one of the most important, if not most important, day in Christianity!
Verses to Read: Romans 5:10; John 11:25; Luke chapters 23 and 24
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
M&M E-votional Week 2
As some of you may know, I am a closet worship leader. I LOVE worship music. It is uplifting, beautiful, inspiring, motivating, the list goes on. For me, worship music has been a great source of strength, keeping me moving forward over the last several months with one test of Faith after another. And I'm not kidding when I say it has been a tremendous help when it comes to working out! I have a really good 45 minute playlist and I can do my cardio workout to worship with no problem. The only trick is to not get into the worship too much! It's not a good thing to close your eyes and raise your hands when you are on an elyptical or treadmill, or running a track, or really any movement with your eyes closed! Seriously though, the Lord speaks to me during my workouts when I listen to worship!
My song of the moment is "Hosanna" recorded by Hillsongs. I've been disecting it for about a month now, and to my glorious surprise, Libby Julian sang it a few Sunday nights ago, and then again the following Sunday morning. If you haven't heard the song, google it. It is so good. And I'm not just talking rhythm, instruments and voices. I'm talking the words! I spoke earlier in the month about how we need to focus on what we are singing and not just singing a pretty song. We need to focus on the anointed words in the songs we sing!
Take the first part of the song:
I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith, With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees, We're on our knees
This is what the author saw when writing the song. What does it mean to you? To me, when I sing it, I can literally picture Faith Christian Assembly taking their place as a leader in our community saving lives, bringing revival to our community, our county, our state, our country through worship, intercession, evangelism, the list goes on.
Now this is the part that really chokes me up:
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I go from nothing to Eternity
Now really think about that. We are asking Him to show us how to love like He has loved us. I don't even love my friends and family the way He loves me. I'm just being honest! And then the clencher for me, "Break my heart for what breaks yours"...that is something powerful! I am brought to tears every time. Yes, even at the Y surrounded by strangers, it is everything I can do to not totally lose it! When I get to that part of the song, it is tough to really sing it. I think of people who I don't want to love like He loves me. There is one particular person who is living it up, a life full of sin, doing whatever she can to bring pain and hurt to my family. Every time I sing that line (quietly of course, I don't want anyone to hear me sing!), I think of this woman who I never want to think about. I think about how God's heart is breaking because her actions breaks mine. But his heart is also breaking for her. How it hurts Him to see her throw her life away and live so recklessly. Then I think about how singing that line means I'm asking God to have my heart break like His does. He isn't heartbroken and wanting revenge. His heart is breaking because He just wants to rescue her into His arms, forgive her for everything she is doing and has done and just wipe her slate clean with no revenge or hard feelings! How many of us feel this way towards our "worst enemies"?
I looked up the definition of Hosanna. I mean, really, I knew it meant to praise Him, but I wanted to see what else it said. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the people shouted "Hosanna" while waving palm branches. Back then it meant, "Save us" or "deliver us". Apparently over the years the translation became simply, "a declaration of praise". When the chorus of "Hosanna" plays, I can picture myself in the crowd, waving my branch, shouting along with them. I can see Him on the donkey, waving to me, signifying that He heard me! When the crowd was shouting "Hosanna" they were praising Him, knowing He would save them.
I know this is a simple E-votional. But, a relationship with God is that simple. My purpose and challenge in the devotional is not to just share with you how I love worship music and this song, but to cause you think next time you worship. Think about the words and what they mean. Don't just sing "Break my heart for what breaks yours". Mean it. And if you don't mean it, don't sing it. Just as your heart might be breaking from pain that has been inflicted upon you, His heart is breaking because yours is breaking, and He just wants to wrap you up in His arms, if you'll let Him.
Verses: Psalm 118:24-26; Matthew 21:9; John 12
My song of the moment is "Hosanna" recorded by Hillsongs. I've been disecting it for about a month now, and to my glorious surprise, Libby Julian sang it a few Sunday nights ago, and then again the following Sunday morning. If you haven't heard the song, google it. It is so good. And I'm not just talking rhythm, instruments and voices. I'm talking the words! I spoke earlier in the month about how we need to focus on what we are singing and not just singing a pretty song. We need to focus on the anointed words in the songs we sing!
Take the first part of the song:
I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith, With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees, We're on our knees
This is what the author saw when writing the song. What does it mean to you? To me, when I sing it, I can literally picture Faith Christian Assembly taking their place as a leader in our community saving lives, bringing revival to our community, our county, our state, our country through worship, intercession, evangelism, the list goes on.
Now this is the part that really chokes me up:
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I go from nothing to Eternity
Now really think about that. We are asking Him to show us how to love like He has loved us. I don't even love my friends and family the way He loves me. I'm just being honest! And then the clencher for me, "Break my heart for what breaks yours"...that is something powerful! I am brought to tears every time. Yes, even at the Y surrounded by strangers, it is everything I can do to not totally lose it! When I get to that part of the song, it is tough to really sing it. I think of people who I don't want to love like He loves me. There is one particular person who is living it up, a life full of sin, doing whatever she can to bring pain and hurt to my family. Every time I sing that line (quietly of course, I don't want anyone to hear me sing!), I think of this woman who I never want to think about. I think about how God's heart is breaking because her actions breaks mine. But his heart is also breaking for her. How it hurts Him to see her throw her life away and live so recklessly. Then I think about how singing that line means I'm asking God to have my heart break like His does. He isn't heartbroken and wanting revenge. His heart is breaking because He just wants to rescue her into His arms, forgive her for everything she is doing and has done and just wipe her slate clean with no revenge or hard feelings! How many of us feel this way towards our "worst enemies"?
I looked up the definition of Hosanna. I mean, really, I knew it meant to praise Him, but I wanted to see what else it said. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the people shouted "Hosanna" while waving palm branches. Back then it meant, "Save us" or "deliver us". Apparently over the years the translation became simply, "a declaration of praise". When the chorus of "Hosanna" plays, I can picture myself in the crowd, waving my branch, shouting along with them. I can see Him on the donkey, waving to me, signifying that He heard me! When the crowd was shouting "Hosanna" they were praising Him, knowing He would save them.
I know this is a simple E-votional. But, a relationship with God is that simple. My purpose and challenge in the devotional is not to just share with you how I love worship music and this song, but to cause you think next time you worship. Think about the words and what they mean. Don't just sing "Break my heart for what breaks yours". Mean it. And if you don't mean it, don't sing it. Just as your heart might be breaking from pain that has been inflicted upon you, His heart is breaking because yours is breaking, and He just wants to wrap you up in His arms, if you'll let Him.
Verses: Psalm 118:24-26; Matthew 21:9; John 12
Monday, January 26, 2009
I'm sitting in the basement thinking...."my God, it's only 10am." If I was still working, the day would maybe go a little faster, though I'm not sure that is necessarily a good thing. Ilana has cried most of the morning, major seperation anxiety. Sammy has been a complete tornado, more than usual. He has destroyed pretty much every room of the house in the last 2 1/2 hours. He seems to sense that his presence upsets Ilana, so he insists on playing right next to her and being loud as all heck! I've realized today that for some reason Disney thinks playing Imagination Movers 75 times between the hours of 6:30 and 10:30 is a good thing. My goodness, that show is IRRITATING. If I was single and met one of those guys and I found out what they did for a living, I might would smack them around a little. Wiggles is less annoying than this show!
Though my own patience has surprised me, I am learning to focus more on God. Yes, I have a spiritual spin to my blog. Next week I'll turn 29, which I know is not all that old, but I've been in church and a Christian for pretty much 29 years. From a young age I was involved in ministries ranging from working in the nursery at 12, student leadership, countless retreats, camps, conventions, etc...and I am ashamed of how little I really KNOW about the scriptures. When someone is dealing with something, I can't just spout out a scripture! Most the time I know what I need to do when going through something (course, I'm still working on diminishing my flesh and actually doing what I need to do!)...but I'm not very good at witnessing or reaching out to others. So in the little bit of down time I get through out the day, I'm going to devise a plan to learn more scripture! Oh, did anyone get the handy dandy calendar at last night's business meeting? It has a scripture for each day of the week! LOVE IT! Now, I don't think I can memorize a verse a day, but I can sure try! I am resolving this year to be a completely different, BETTER, stronger Christian. I want to know that I KNOW I'm hearing from God so that I stop second guessing decisions when seems don't go the way I think they should!
Though my own patience has surprised me, I am learning to focus more on God. Yes, I have a spiritual spin to my blog. Next week I'll turn 29, which I know is not all that old, but I've been in church and a Christian for pretty much 29 years. From a young age I was involved in ministries ranging from working in the nursery at 12, student leadership, countless retreats, camps, conventions, etc...and I am ashamed of how little I really KNOW about the scriptures. When someone is dealing with something, I can't just spout out a scripture! Most the time I know what I need to do when going through something (course, I'm still working on diminishing my flesh and actually doing what I need to do!)...but I'm not very good at witnessing or reaching out to others. So in the little bit of down time I get through out the day, I'm going to devise a plan to learn more scripture! Oh, did anyone get the handy dandy calendar at last night's business meeting? It has a scripture for each day of the week! LOVE IT! Now, I don't think I can memorize a verse a day, but I can sure try! I am resolving this year to be a completely different, BETTER, stronger Christian. I want to know that I KNOW I'm hearing from God so that I stop second guessing decisions when seems don't go the way I think they should!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Review of the Day

Today was a big day in history, no matter who you voted for. I of course, not being one to watch parades on tv, did not care to watch the festivities of Washington D.C today but did turn it on around 3:30pm....basically because it was on every station. My little Sam the Ham is the smartest and cutest thing ever. He was playing contently when I turned on the tv, saw about 30 seconds of the parade and then he took off to the back of the house. I figured he was running off to his room to bring out more toys. Nope. He emerged from Alexis's room carrying two American flags that I didn't even know where in there! He handed one to Ilana and then waved his around and told her to do the same! I was cracking up...thank God my camera battery was charged! I think that is right up there with JFK, Jr. saluting for his dad's funeral. Ok, maybe not to anyone else, but to me it was!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Where has all the time gone?!

Well, I haven't blogged in forever, and I apologize to all my blogworld buddies. We went on a MUCH needed vaca (December 31st-Jan 7th) and then came home to have my child of course get a cold from the weather changes. Florida was fantastic and I wish we would've stayed longer! It was a bummer not having Alexis with us, but hey, that will be likely the first and last vacation we take without her! I came home quite refreshed and motivated to kick my house's butt into order! I've been cleaning like I've never cleaned before! In fact, no joke...I've vaccuumed at least 2-3 times a day, and the first few days home from vaca I probably vaccuumed 5 or 6. Yes, it needed it that bad. When I was working, I maybe vaccuumed 2 times a month, if that! And, it likely was Marty doing it, not me!
So being a SAHM is so easy. It's a breeze. I'm loving it. My child is perfect. My house is perfect. My life is perfect..........HA! Such a lie. I knew it would be a difficult task and I've been taking each day in stride. No two days are a like! Sammy seems happy to be home, but I can tell he misses being around kids. We had a great play date with Liv and Angela last week and hope to have more. I start babysitting a little girl tomorrow who is a year younger than Sam. That should help him out as far as having a playmate. I'm going to babysit 3 to 4 days a week, which will help with groceries. We are still praying and trusting God to guide our steps. This was a big leap of Faith for me and an even bigger one for Marty so I know everything will work out. I am content and way less stressed. I don't go through each day feeling like I'm wasting my life away! I feel like I'm actually doing something important, even if some people would think SAHM's are unintelligent and lazy....I'm appalled that there are people like that. So many SAHM's I know are very intelligent, educated and the complete opposite of lazy! You have to be! I feel like for the first time in a long time I enjoy what I'm doing, I'm doing something with meaning, and I can focus more clearly on my tasks and my future.
Done with the sappyness. I have some 2009 resolutions....
1. Make my blog almost as cool as Kelly's, though I'm not that creatively talented.
2. Not freak out on my kid when he poops on the floor because he saw Foxy do it.
3. Organize my house, one room at a time, even if it takes the whole year.
4. Declutter, sell stuff on Craigslist and Ebay, donate...whatever it takes to get junk out of my house!
5. Organize my photos, make photo albums and scrapbooks and not feel pressured to hurry and get it all done in a certain amount of time. That'll give me anxiety. It gives me anxiety thinking of the utter chaos that is my photo collection and lack of printed photos. Kelly, how the heck do you do it? Does Elek eat your supplies?
5. Organize my photos, make photo albums and scrapbooks and not feel pressured to hurry and get it all done in a certain amount of time. That'll give me anxiety. It gives me anxiety thinking of the utter chaos that is my photo collection and lack of printed photos. Kelly, how the heck do you do it? Does Elek eat your supplies?
6. Come up with creative ways to make some moola.
7. Oh...this is spiritual, so it should be number one: Study the Word in a new way, spend more time praying, take opportunities as they come but not be afraid to say no when it's something I don't feel called to do.
8. Spend more time with my girlfriends.
9. Educate myself some more.
10. Of course, lose weight :)
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