Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm sitting in the basement thinking...."my God, it's only 10am." If I was still working, the day would maybe go a little faster, though I'm not sure that is necessarily a good thing. Ilana has cried most of the morning, major seperation anxiety. Sammy has been a complete tornado, more than usual. He has destroyed pretty much every room of the house in the last 2 1/2 hours. He seems to sense that his presence upsets Ilana, so he insists on playing right next to her and being loud as all heck! I've realized today that for some reason Disney thinks playing Imagination Movers 75 times between the hours of 6:30 and 10:30 is a good thing. My goodness, that show is IRRITATING. If I was single and met one of those guys and I found out what they did for a living, I might would smack them around a little. Wiggles is less annoying than this show!

Though my own patience has surprised me, I am learning to focus more on God. Yes, I have a spiritual spin to my blog. Next week I'll turn 29, which I know is not all that old, but I've been in church and a Christian for pretty much 29 years. From a young age I was involved in ministries ranging from working in the nursery at 12, student leadership, countless retreats, camps, conventions, etc...and I am ashamed of how little I really KNOW about the scriptures. When someone is dealing with something, I can't just spout out a scripture! Most the time I know what I need to do when going through something (course, I'm still working on diminishing my flesh and actually doing what I need to do!)...but I'm not very good at witnessing or reaching out to others. So in the little bit of down time I get through out the day, I'm going to devise a plan to learn more scripture! Oh, did anyone get the handy dandy calendar at last night's business meeting? It has a scripture for each day of the week! LOVE IT! Now, I don't think I can memorize a verse a day, but I can sure try! I am resolving this year to be a completely different, BETTER, stronger Christian. I want to know that I KNOW I'm hearing from God so that I stop second guessing decisions when seems don't go the way I think they should!

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