I'm sitting in the basement thinking...."my God, it's only 10am." If I was still working, the day would maybe go a little faster, though I'm not sure that is necessarily a good thing. Ilana has cried most of the morning, major seperation anxiety. Sammy has been a complete tornado, more than usual. He has destroyed pretty much every room of the house in the last 2 1/2 hours. He seems to sense that his presence upsets Ilana, so he insists on playing right next to her and being loud as all heck! I've realized today that for some reason Disney thinks playing Imagination Movers 75 times between the hours of 6:30 and 10:30 is a good thing. My goodness, that show is IRRITATING. If I was single and met one of those guys and I found out what they did for a living, I might would smack them around a little. Wiggles is less annoying than this show!
Though my own patience has surprised me, I am learning to focus more on God. Yes, I have a spiritual spin to my blog. Next week I'll turn 29, which I know is not all that old, but I've been in church and a Christian for pretty much 29 years. From a young age I was involved in ministries ranging from working in the nursery at 12, student leadership, countless retreats, camps, conventions, etc...and I am ashamed of how little I really KNOW about the scriptures. When someone is dealing with something, I can't just spout out a scripture! Most the time I know what I need to do when going through something (course, I'm still working on diminishing my flesh and actually doing what I need to do!)...but I'm not very good at witnessing or reaching out to others. So in the little bit of down time I get through out the day, I'm going to devise a plan to learn more scripture! Oh, did anyone get the handy dandy calendar at last night's business meeting? It has a scripture for each day of the week! LOVE IT! Now, I don't think I can memorize a verse a day, but I can sure try! I am resolving this year to be a completely different, BETTER, stronger Christian. I want to know that I KNOW I'm hearing from God so that I stop second guessing decisions when seems don't go the way I think they should!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Review of the Day

Today was a big day in history, no matter who you voted for. I of course, not being one to watch parades on tv, did not care to watch the festivities of Washington D.C today but did turn it on around 3:30pm....basically because it was on every station. My little Sam the Ham is the smartest and cutest thing ever. He was playing contently when I turned on the tv, saw about 30 seconds of the parade and then he took off to the back of the house. I figured he was running off to his room to bring out more toys. Nope. He emerged from Alexis's room carrying two American flags that I didn't even know where in there! He handed one to Ilana and then waved his around and told her to do the same! I was cracking up...thank God my camera battery was charged! I think that is right up there with JFK, Jr. saluting for his dad's funeral. Ok, maybe not to anyone else, but to me it was!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Where has all the time gone?!

Well, I haven't blogged in forever, and I apologize to all my blogworld buddies. We went on a MUCH needed vaca (December 31st-Jan 7th) and then came home to have my child of course get a cold from the weather changes. Florida was fantastic and I wish we would've stayed longer! It was a bummer not having Alexis with us, but hey, that will be likely the first and last vacation we take without her! I came home quite refreshed and motivated to kick my house's butt into order! I've been cleaning like I've never cleaned before! In fact, no joke...I've vaccuumed at least 2-3 times a day, and the first few days home from vaca I probably vaccuumed 5 or 6. Yes, it needed it that bad. When I was working, I maybe vaccuumed 2 times a month, if that! And, it likely was Marty doing it, not me!
So being a SAHM is so easy. It's a breeze. I'm loving it. My child is perfect. My house is perfect. My life is perfect..........HA! Such a lie. I knew it would be a difficult task and I've been taking each day in stride. No two days are a like! Sammy seems happy to be home, but I can tell he misses being around kids. We had a great play date with Liv and Angela last week and hope to have more. I start babysitting a little girl tomorrow who is a year younger than Sam. That should help him out as far as having a playmate. I'm going to babysit 3 to 4 days a week, which will help with groceries. We are still praying and trusting God to guide our steps. This was a big leap of Faith for me and an even bigger one for Marty so I know everything will work out. I am content and way less stressed. I don't go through each day feeling like I'm wasting my life away! I feel like I'm actually doing something important, even if some people would think SAHM's are unintelligent and lazy....I'm appalled that there are people like that. So many SAHM's I know are very intelligent, educated and the complete opposite of lazy! You have to be! I feel like for the first time in a long time I enjoy what I'm doing, I'm doing something with meaning, and I can focus more clearly on my tasks and my future.
Done with the sappyness. I have some 2009 resolutions....
1. Make my blog almost as cool as Kelly's, though I'm not that creatively talented.
2. Not freak out on my kid when he poops on the floor because he saw Foxy do it.
3. Organize my house, one room at a time, even if it takes the whole year.
4. Declutter, sell stuff on Craigslist and Ebay, donate...whatever it takes to get junk out of my house!
5. Organize my photos, make photo albums and scrapbooks and not feel pressured to hurry and get it all done in a certain amount of time. That'll give me anxiety. It gives me anxiety thinking of the utter chaos that is my photo collection and lack of printed photos. Kelly, how the heck do you do it? Does Elek eat your supplies?
5. Organize my photos, make photo albums and scrapbooks and not feel pressured to hurry and get it all done in a certain amount of time. That'll give me anxiety. It gives me anxiety thinking of the utter chaos that is my photo collection and lack of printed photos. Kelly, how the heck do you do it? Does Elek eat your supplies?
6. Come up with creative ways to make some moola.
7. Oh...this is spiritual, so it should be number one: Study the Word in a new way, spend more time praying, take opportunities as they come but not be afraid to say no when it's something I don't feel called to do.
8. Spend more time with my girlfriends.
9. Educate myself some more.
10. Of course, lose weight :)
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