I woke up this morning earlier than needed. I should say it was so I could spend some quiet time in the Word, but it was Sammy being loud as all get out that woke me up. I made some coffee and sat down at the computer to work on a few things I needed to get done. I figured I could at least get a few tasks done before the little two wake up, since Marty was getting Sam ready and out the door for school.
Wrong. Sam decided to sing at the top of his lungs while brushing his teeth. The bathroom is right across the hall from Elisabeth, so before we had a chance to hush him, we hear this squeaky, small cartoon voice singing along with her big brother.
My baby girl is the sweetest, spunkiest, funniest little two-year old I know. I may be partial, but she is one entertaining little peanut. She wakes up at the crack of dawn (or earlier) and is full of energy. It's exhausting! As I type now, she is chatting it up about the important paper she is coloring on with a purple pen. Yeah, she started scribbling before I could stop her, so now I have to print a new page. Oh, well. I least it's replaceable!
She love "choo-choos", her big brothers and terrorizing Foxy. Her hair is wild and unruly and she always has a gigantic grin. Excuse the cornball post, but she makes life so fun. Don't cross her, or she will slap you silly!
No, it's not her birthday or anything special. Just a special morning with my sweet pea and her cartoon character voice :)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Attempting to be a breakfasting-making mom
Getting 3 kids out the door to get one of them to school on time has proven to be a great undertaking. Someone poops, pees, is starving, can't find a shoe, etc and all of the above at the exact moment we are already 5 minutes past my first attempt at leaving the house. Some days I just throw in the towel and say, "we'll get there when we get there" and other days I'm psycho mom, carrying kids out football style, while another never put shoes on and all may or may not have had breakfast. Not for the lack of trying, but they are just not breakfast people! Granola bars, yogurt, applesauce, cold pizza, dry cereal, cereal with milk, toast...I have all this stuff at any given time and most times it's a battle to get them to eat one Cheerio. It's very tempting to grab a box of Pop-Tarts, aka, cookies marketed as a breakfast item, and let them go at it. But, I do care about their growing bodies to a degree, so those mornings we are so rushed I forget to make my coffee, I kindly go through Tim Horton's and grab them something they can eat in the van....a vanilla dipped donut with sprinkles. Yep. (blast away, crunchy moms, blast away.)
So I found on Pinterest a decent looking recipe for these mini-muffin scrambled egg things. Looked easy enough and I had all the ingredients so I decided to whip up a batch this afternoon. Let me start by saying, I don't really "do" eggs. I may eat them on occasion when we go out to breakfast, and I will once in a great while scramble some up for Sam and Elisabeth if I somehow managed to wake up before the crack of dawn and not in a frenzy to rush out the door.
Well, eggs are gross. I thought chicken was gross to work with. Eggs are like snot. As I poured the egg mixture into the mini muffin pan, globs of egg white would plop in and splash out or overfill the cup. I guess I didn't whisk them enough, so I tried to use a spoon to scoop some out and into a different cup. Bleh. *insert gag sound here*. It is the consistency of a toddler's snot. Not the easy to wipe stuff, the stuff that just keeps smearing and sliding and you have to use like 100 tissues to clean the child's face. I almost threw it away, but figured, I'll just feed them to everyone else! I chopped up some cooked turkey bacon...and by chopped I mean, attempted to chop but that did nothing so I manhandled the bacon into pieces. Why does turkey bacon not crisp like pork?! sheesh.
Baked for 14 minutes at 350, which of course, I did not preheat because I never do. I'm not against it, I just never can remember to do it. If I do remember, I most certainly do not remember to then switch the knob on my ancient stove to "bake" and therefore my creations do not get cooked properly. Many a dishes have been wasted or ruined by this issue I have.
I know right now you are expecting me to say they burned or were nasty. But, you know what? They turned out fine. Butt ugly and stuck to the pan, and those little beasts were a pain to get out of my supposedly non-stick pan, but guess what? Sam tried one...AND LIKED IT. He asked for seconds and then said he needed to save the rest for breakfast because he was gonna "tear them up". Well, thank you, Jesus for Pinterest. My kid is not gonna starve tomorrow! (disclaimer: I do not let my child go to school without some sort of breakfast!

Well, eggs are gross. I thought chicken was gross to work with. Eggs are like snot. As I poured the egg mixture into the mini muffin pan, globs of egg white would plop in and splash out or overfill the cup. I guess I didn't whisk them enough, so I tried to use a spoon to scoop some out and into a different cup. Bleh. *insert gag sound here*. It is the consistency of a toddler's snot. Not the easy to wipe stuff, the stuff that just keeps smearing and sliding and you have to use like 100 tissues to clean the child's face. I almost threw it away, but figured, I'll just feed them to everyone else! I chopped up some cooked turkey bacon...and by chopped I mean, attempted to chop but that did nothing so I manhandled the bacon into pieces. Why does turkey bacon not crisp like pork?! sheesh.
Baked for 14 minutes at 350, which of course, I did not preheat because I never do. I'm not against it, I just never can remember to do it. If I do remember, I most certainly do not remember to then switch the knob on my ancient stove to "bake" and therefore my creations do not get cooked properly. Many a dishes have been wasted or ruined by this issue I have.
I know right now you are expecting me to say they burned or were nasty. But, you know what? They turned out fine. Butt ugly and stuck to the pan, and those little beasts were a pain to get out of my supposedly non-stick pan, but guess what? Sam tried one...AND LIKED IT. He asked for seconds and then said he needed to save the rest for breakfast because he was gonna "tear them up". Well, thank you, Jesus for Pinterest. My kid is not gonna starve tomorrow! (disclaimer: I do not let my child go to school without some sort of breakfast!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Let Go, Let God
Well, here it is a week and two days later, and I'm just now getting around to posting again. Yep. I can't get 30 minutes of distraction free time to sit and attempt to be another blogger in the over-saturated "mommy blogger" market. Heck, I can't even get 10 minutes. Even right now as I started typing, Elijah woke up and decided he needed some cuddles. Cuddles with my main squeeze trumps blogging!
I really am in a writer's block mindset. My brain is full of a list of activities and errands that I need to do over the next few days. My brain never stops. I think it's why I'm tired ALL.THE.TIME. Over stimulation. Sitting down to type for a few minutes use to help me relax, now the thought of wasting time that could be spent doing something "productive" consumes me. I could be working on my Origami Owl business, I could be getting the kids dressed for the day, there is laundry in the wash, I look like a hot mess, my coffee needs warmed up, I need to go to the grocery store and use my coupons that expire soon...and, and, and, and...
When did life get so busy? Time has flown by. It's time to slow it down. It's not procrastinating to take a few minutes to enjoy your coffee, read something, blog something, breath deep. Being a stay-at-home mom brings all sorts of responsibilities...and the term doesn't fit me because we are gone more than we are home. But, the point of being a SAHM is doing the best you can as first a mom, and everything else is secondary. And for me to be my best, I must enjoy my coffee while it's hot and take a few minutes to myself to "recharge". I made a list of things that should be accomplished in the next few days, and I'm committing myself to not rack my brain about those things anymore. One task at a time. And if someone comes along to make you feel inadequate- they are employed by the devil and you have full permission to ignore them :)
Matthew 11:28- Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give them rest.
My interpretation: Take time to spend with Jesus, praying to thank Him for his faithfulness and asking for peace and guidance for where you are in your life.
I really am in a writer's block mindset. My brain is full of a list of activities and errands that I need to do over the next few days. My brain never stops. I think it's why I'm tired ALL.THE.TIME. Over stimulation. Sitting down to type for a few minutes use to help me relax, now the thought of wasting time that could be spent doing something "productive" consumes me. I could be working on my Origami Owl business, I could be getting the kids dressed for the day, there is laundry in the wash, I look like a hot mess, my coffee needs warmed up, I need to go to the grocery store and use my coupons that expire soon...and, and, and, and...
When did life get so busy? Time has flown by. It's time to slow it down. It's not procrastinating to take a few minutes to enjoy your coffee, read something, blog something, breath deep. Being a stay-at-home mom brings all sorts of responsibilities...and the term doesn't fit me because we are gone more than we are home. But, the point of being a SAHM is doing the best you can as first a mom, and everything else is secondary. And for me to be my best, I must enjoy my coffee while it's hot and take a few minutes to myself to "recharge". I made a list of things that should be accomplished in the next few days, and I'm committing myself to not rack my brain about those things anymore. One task at a time. And if someone comes along to make you feel inadequate- they are employed by the devil and you have full permission to ignore them :)
Matthew 11:28- Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give them rest.
My interpretation: Take time to spend with Jesus, praying to thank Him for his faithfulness and asking for peace and guidance for where you are in your life.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Commitment Issues...
Time to come clean. I have commitment issues. I over commit myself often, of course with good intentions. I have always felt that if someone else can do something, so can I! So, if I saw another mom able to run a successful household and be involved in church, community and school as well as workout often and maintain a great physique, I should be able to as well! Right there I set myself up for failure. I am not "that mom" therefore, I should not aspire to do a long list of things that maybe I'm just not made to do!
The last 3 (ok 5) years have been a total whirlwind for me! My last two children are just 16 months a part. Although that is not uncommon for many families, for me it has been crazy! Elijah marches to the beat of his own drum, didn't walk until 15 months (I was sure I'd be carrying him Elisabeth came along) and is very particular about...EVERYTHING. I won't call him difficult, but he was quite the fussy baby! Lucky for me, he has an amazing big brother who absolutely loves his little sibs :) Looking back, I'm not so sure it's the having them close in age that was the only factor in the whirlwind feeling, but as well as other issues we as a family were dealing with that all happened all at once! Here we are now though and everything is falling back in place and the "wind" isn't blowing quite so hard!
I had friends come and go in those years, some hard losses and some it was just time to move on; we had family issues that are now resolved; we had major changes in our church, all of which are resolved; and Alexis, my step-daughter, has become a teenager. That's a lot to deal with all at once! In that time, I know I often over-reacted to situations out of stress, yelled at my kids over something dumb, blew off friends, forgot dates, lost my mind! lol...for realz, I was overwhelmed!
What helps me is writing. Getting my thoughts out there. Who has time for that?! I am often told I should have a blog because I'm so darn witty ;) I didn't dare tell people I had a blog that was on my list of commitments I slack on! But, in honesty, I felt inadequate. There are so many "mom blogs" out there that I feel so inferior to. What could I possibly offer?
- I'm not a crafty person, and crafts are last on my budget list (ok, they aren't even on "the list"!) so I'm not "that mom"
-I'm not some major financial, budgeting expert to tell you how to save your family so much money that you can take 5 trips to Disney in one year so I can't be "that mom"
-I'm exhausted, will not blog daily, cranky when things don't go right, yell at my kids more out of stress and tiredness than for what they did, so I'm definitely not that positive, "Love and Logic" kind of mom
-I have little patience for couponing and will follow my two couponer blogs and get deals, but definitely not interested in taking the time to blog exclusive about coupons, sales and freebies.
-I don't homeschool. I don't cook amazing gluten/dairy/sugar free meals in my gourmet kitchen while smiling and having my children assist me. I don't read for an hour everyday with each child. I don't have advice on becoming a "better" mom.
Can you relate to this, or is it really just me? There are so many super moms (or at least facades of) that I felt like I was just inadequate in every aspect of motherhood! I have spent the last few years on "survival mode" that I would get so upset at myself for not doing more/being more/seeing more. Well, finally it dawned on me. Those markets are over saturated anyway. I read many of them on the rare occasions I get a chance, because I scour for ideas that I never actually follow and crafts I never make. But, I need a little motivation in my life, so I decided to blog my thoughts.
So here's the deal. I'll blog when I feel like it. It may or not be good. Maybe it'll be life-changing. Maybe it'll be the worst read of your life and you have to go read a coupon blog or do a craft to get over the pain you feel from my blog, while making your quinoa salad and drink kale juice.
Here's what I do have to offer:
-I make mistakes as a mom, wife, friend, dog owner and all the other hats I wear. I can admit it.
-I make attempts at changing my families eating habits, even with two very picky eaters.
-I grew up in church and have many great memories and a few bad ones.
-I was miraculous healed from childhood leukemia, which stories of that time will definitely come out, as well as the meaning behind the name of the blog.
-I am a step-mom with a great "bonus" daughter. FYI- even with a great stepchild, step-parenting is more often a thankless, stressful, sometimes hurtful job. You have all the work of the parent, and get little to no credit. In some situations, you may help raise a child that is being trained, brainwashed and manipulated into hating you and thinking you are evil, though you do absolutely nothing to deserve that. You will be overlooked by family, and friends may tell you that you try too hard because after all, the step child isn't your kid. But, when you married, you chose to love unconditionally, so through hell or high water, you will do so.
-I'm slowing becoming more of someone who enjoys doing things alone rather than with others and I feel awkward in social situations that I use to love being a part of. I think it's part of getting older, or maybe I really am losing it!
-I'm obsessed with great worship music. I love to break down the lyrics and apply them to life. Or attempt to. Or just write it out and slack on the follow through. I feel I was supposed to be a worship leader, but somewhere down the line I missed out on the ability to sing in public.
This blog is too long, so I will end it because my brain never shuts down. Ask my friend, Amy. Thoughts are always running through my head. I'm pretty sure I have ADD. No offense to anyone who does. I've always been accused of being airheaded and not focused, and looking back, it ALL. MAKES. SENSE.
See ya when I see ya. Hopefully I come up with something good ;)
The last 3 (ok 5) years have been a total whirlwind for me! My last two children are just 16 months a part. Although that is not uncommon for many families, for me it has been crazy! Elijah marches to the beat of his own drum, didn't walk until 15 months (I was sure I'd be carrying him Elisabeth came along) and is very particular about...EVERYTHING. I won't call him difficult, but he was quite the fussy baby! Lucky for me, he has an amazing big brother who absolutely loves his little sibs :) Looking back, I'm not so sure it's the having them close in age that was the only factor in the whirlwind feeling, but as well as other issues we as a family were dealing with that all happened all at once! Here we are now though and everything is falling back in place and the "wind" isn't blowing quite so hard!
I had friends come and go in those years, some hard losses and some it was just time to move on; we had family issues that are now resolved; we had major changes in our church, all of which are resolved; and Alexis, my step-daughter, has become a teenager. That's a lot to deal with all at once! In that time, I know I often over-reacted to situations out of stress, yelled at my kids over something dumb, blew off friends, forgot dates, lost my mind! lol...for realz, I was overwhelmed!
What helps me is writing. Getting my thoughts out there. Who has time for that?! I am often told I should have a blog because I'm so darn witty ;) I didn't dare tell people I had a blog that was on my list of commitments I slack on! But, in honesty, I felt inadequate. There are so many "mom blogs" out there that I feel so inferior to. What could I possibly offer?
- I'm not a crafty person, and crafts are last on my budget list (ok, they aren't even on "the list"!) so I'm not "that mom"
-I'm not some major financial, budgeting expert to tell you how to save your family so much money that you can take 5 trips to Disney in one year so I can't be "that mom"
-I'm exhausted, will not blog daily, cranky when things don't go right, yell at my kids more out of stress and tiredness than for what they did, so I'm definitely not that positive, "Love and Logic" kind of mom
-I have little patience for couponing and will follow my two couponer blogs and get deals, but definitely not interested in taking the time to blog exclusive about coupons, sales and freebies.
-I don't homeschool. I don't cook amazing gluten/dairy/sugar free meals in my gourmet kitchen while smiling and having my children assist me. I don't read for an hour everyday with each child. I don't have advice on becoming a "better" mom.
Can you relate to this, or is it really just me? There are so many super moms (or at least facades of) that I felt like I was just inadequate in every aspect of motherhood! I have spent the last few years on "survival mode" that I would get so upset at myself for not doing more/being more/seeing more. Well, finally it dawned on me. Those markets are over saturated anyway. I read many of them on the rare occasions I get a chance, because I scour for ideas that I never actually follow and crafts I never make. But, I need a little motivation in my life, so I decided to blog my thoughts.
So here's the deal. I'll blog when I feel like it. It may or not be good. Maybe it'll be life-changing. Maybe it'll be the worst read of your life and you have to go read a coupon blog or do a craft to get over the pain you feel from my blog, while making your quinoa salad and drink kale juice.
Here's what I do have to offer:
-I make mistakes as a mom, wife, friend, dog owner and all the other hats I wear. I can admit it.
-I make attempts at changing my families eating habits, even with two very picky eaters.
-I grew up in church and have many great memories and a few bad ones.
-I was miraculous healed from childhood leukemia, which stories of that time will definitely come out, as well as the meaning behind the name of the blog.
-I am a step-mom with a great "bonus" daughter. FYI- even with a great stepchild, step-parenting is more often a thankless, stressful, sometimes hurtful job. You have all the work of the parent, and get little to no credit. In some situations, you may help raise a child that is being trained, brainwashed and manipulated into hating you and thinking you are evil, though you do absolutely nothing to deserve that. You will be overlooked by family, and friends may tell you that you try too hard because after all, the step child isn't your kid. But, when you married, you chose to love unconditionally, so through hell or high water, you will do so.
-I'm slowing becoming more of someone who enjoys doing things alone rather than with others and I feel awkward in social situations that I use to love being a part of. I think it's part of getting older, or maybe I really am losing it!
-I'm obsessed with great worship music. I love to break down the lyrics and apply them to life. Or attempt to. Or just write it out and slack on the follow through. I feel I was supposed to be a worship leader, but somewhere down the line I missed out on the ability to sing in public.
This blog is too long, so I will end it because my brain never shuts down. Ask my friend, Amy. Thoughts are always running through my head. I'm pretty sure I have ADD. No offense to anyone who does. I've always been accused of being airheaded and not focused, and looking back, it ALL. MAKES. SENSE.
See ya when I see ya. Hopefully I come up with something good ;)
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