Well, here it is a week and two days later, and I'm just now getting around to posting again. Yep. I can't get 30 minutes of distraction free time to sit and attempt to be another blogger in the over-saturated "mommy blogger" market. Heck, I can't even get 10 minutes. Even right now as I started typing, Elijah woke up and decided he needed some cuddles. Cuddles with my main squeeze trumps blogging!
I really am in a writer's block mindset. My brain is full of a list of activities and errands that I need to do over the next few days. My brain never stops. I think it's why I'm tired ALL.THE.TIME. Over stimulation. Sitting down to type for a few minutes use to help me relax, now the thought of wasting time that could be spent doing something "productive" consumes me. I could be working on my Origami Owl business, I could be getting the kids dressed for the day, there is laundry in the wash, I look like a hot mess, my coffee needs warmed up, I need to go to the grocery store and use my coupons that expire soon...and, and, and, and...
When did life get so busy? Time has flown by. It's time to slow it down. It's not procrastinating to take a few minutes to enjoy your coffee, read something, blog something, breath deep. Being a stay-at-home mom brings all sorts of responsibilities...and the term doesn't fit me because we are gone more than we are home. But, the point of being a SAHM is doing the best you can as first a mom, and everything else is secondary. And for me to be my best, I must enjoy my coffee while it's hot and take a few minutes to myself to "recharge". I made a list of things that should be accomplished in the next few days, and I'm committing myself to not rack my brain about those things anymore. One task at a time. And if someone comes along to make you feel inadequate- they are employed by the devil and you have full permission to ignore them :)
Matthew 11:28- Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give them rest.
My interpretation: Take time to spend with Jesus, praying to thank Him for his faithfulness and asking for peace and guidance for where you are in your life.
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