Thursday, March 6, 2008

Workout Bloopers

I went to the Y again last night. I was determined to put some variety in my workout, so I hit the treadmill for 15 minutes as a "warm-up" and then I tried out this eliptical/stairmaster looking thing that I thought I'd know how to use, but I'm not sure I was doing it right. There were five diehard fitness guru's, or so they thought, behind me on the real stairmasters and I kept thinking, "You're going to look so dumb"....yeah, I got off after 4 1/2 minutes. It was KILLING my knees! I thought my knee caps were going to pop out! I'm not going to attempt that again, I'll stick to the treadmill for now, and the circuit.
I did some of the circuit last night. They had this ab machine that I recognized from Curves, so I was comfortable with that. Did 5 reps of 20. Felt pretty good. Abs are killing today, so that's a good thing. Then I tried this other machine for your arms. Let me give you a visual...the circuit I was on faces about 20 treadmills. All those people are watching the people on the circuit because really, there is nothing else to look at, unless you want to watch CNN while jogging. Course, you can't hear the TV, you have to try and read the captions...while jogging. Ok. So I sit down feeling confident, and I read the diagram on how to use the machine. I reached up for the handles, and nothing. I read the diagram again and I know the machine works because someone had just used it. Course, I didn't think to ask someone how to use it. I just kept trying to figure it out. Then I realize all the people are staring at me (not really all of them, but it felt that way)....anyway, so I gave up and did the walk of shame to the other side of the circuit so the same people wouldn't be able to see me mess another machine up. So embarrassing. I need a workout partner! I found the chest press machine, similar to the one in high school and I figured that one out. Did 5 reps of 10 at 33 lbs. Yeah, 10 years ago I could do 5 reps of 20 at 75 lbs. I also did the leg press, which I like. 10 years ago= 5 reps of 20 at 200 lbs. Yep that's right. Now= 5 reps of 10 at 45 lbs. Whew...I am SO sore today. After that, I was ready for a cool down so I walked two laps around the track and ran for one. 10 laps is one mile, so don't be impressed.
I kinda wonder what Coach Leighton would have to say today about my endurance. He'd probably laugh at me!
I can't go to the Y tonight. Marty car is in the shop, big surprise, so I don't have a vehicle because, of course, I'm the one who gets put out when one of our cars breaks down. Hopefully they can get it done tonight because then I will attempt....THE 6 AM WORKOUT. That's right. Check back tomorrow to see if I made it.

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