Friday, March 28, 2008

Alexis is here!

Well, Alexis made it in last night. Sure enough, despite my communication about bringing warm clothing, her mother packed capri's, tank tops and sandals. Come on, she lived in Michigan. She has access to weather reports. I sent two emails plus talked to Alexis about how it is going to be cold this week. She KNOWS it is never warm enough at spring break time in Michigan for shorts and sandals. So now I have to spend money on clothing for her, which is her mother's goal. But, I'm also taking pictures of what she sent so when Marty goes back to court one day, he can show them. Alexis also informed us that while her mother and her man-friend are in Florida, they will be visiting with Marty's parents for a few days. Ok, bad enough that they do it with Alexis, even worse that they don't even have Alexis with them. I was so angry. I even cried. It's hurtful that they are so diliberately stabbing us in the back.
Alexis is so sweet and I just want to enjoy our time with her, but it gets harder and harder because she is getting this attitude. Yeah, she's 9, but it's different. She is turning into a mini-version of her mother and lies about silly things because her mother is teaching her to lie and manipulate. What makes me really upset is that Alexis sees and understands her mother is manipulating the elderly at the nursing home she works at. She claims to be this single mom struggling to care for her two kids. Whatever, she lives with a guy who is 51, works on a farm so all living expenses are paid for, she drives a nice truck that belongs to this guy and she gets about $700 a month in child support between the two kids, not to mention she pawns the two of them off on other people all the time and is rarely with them. Alexis told me that on a couple different occasions these elderly folks have given her jewelry, money (we're talking $500-$1000 cash)...if you didn't read an earlier post this is something her family did while she was growing up. They'd get close to people who were very elderly or on their death beds and convince them to leave money and stuff to them. This is so frustrating for me! Plus, we really work at teaching Alexis values, morals, Christian living, and teaching her Bible stories. She came up not even knowing what Resurrection meant. It is so discouraged. I'm feeling sad and depressed, so keep me in your prayers. Alexis, too. We need a miracle FAST.

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