Saturday, October 3, 2009

Where do I go from here? M&M e-votional

So you got saved. Maybe it was 20+ years ago, maybe it was a few weeks ago. Common still is the question, "What should I be doing?" Well, part of that answer is simple. The Great Commission. Go into all the earth and preach the gospel. It doesn't mean you have to hop the next plane to Pakistan with Ray and John. It doesn't mean you have to sell all your belongings and go live in a hut in some jungle. Your mission might be right inside the walls of our church.

Whether you are mentor or mentee, you have both made a big step in your walk with the Lord. He gave us the gift of salvation, and you are showing your gratitude by wanting to go deeper. Don't think mentors don't grow from this relationship! You can never be too "saved" to grow deeper.

But what's next? I've been saved my whole life, and I still asked that question. I still get in ruts. I often feel inadequate, unworthy, and often question: "Is this it? Is this all I'm going to do with my life?" I want to do more. We also have a time and place in our lives for everything; we Christians refer to them as "seasons"! I have many ideas and things I'd like to do, but I'm also popping out a baby in February and have a 3-year old son. Now is not the time for me to hit the road with my ministry!

What are you called to do? If you don't know, answer this: What do you have a passion for? What do you like to do? God knows our strengths and weaknesses. He isn't going to call you to something you hate! Maybe you love children. Maybe you like praying with people and giving encouragement. Praying for the needs of the body of Christ might be what you enjoy. Or, maybe you just want to keep learning, and you have a thirst for knowledge. Maybe you have a strong desire to teach those thirsting for knowledge the way you once did earlier in your Christian walk. Maybe you like to make coffee. Guess what? We have a place for you in ministry at Faith!

What I don't understand is why we have 500 people on a Sunday morning and so many claiming they want to go deeper, do more, live out the Great Commission....but a couple dozen people show up Sunday nights, even less sign up for Bible Studies. Granted, in this society we are too busy. You may be thinking, "I'd love to get more involved, but I'm already committed to so many other things outside of church." Well, let me ask you this, is there anything you can scale back on to make more room for God in your life? This makes me think of the movie Sister Act. By the way, you totally get to experience the Sarah Mouser randomness right now. Remember in Sister Act they remade secular songs? Well the one song was, "What has he done for me lately?" But, on Sister Act they rewrote the lyrics to say, "What have YOU done for HIM lately?" I'm not kidding, that song does pop in my head from time to time and I feel the conviction! You don't have to lead a ministry to give back to God, you can SUPPORT His ministries by being involved, making them successful by your participation. Trust me. The blessings you will receive are immeasureable.

I don't want to live a mediocre life. This is what has been on my mind the last several weeks as I've been preparing myself for Eagle's Wings. I'm not called to mediocracy. I want to go beyond that. I want to be more than Marty's wife and a mom to his kids. I want to be Sarah Mouser: A Great Asset in the Kingdom of God. Someone the devil fears. I have much deeper to grow before I get to where I am going, but at least I'm stepping up.

Verses: Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 6:13; Psalms 144:1; Hebrews 6:1

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