Thursday, December 27, 2007

Here I go again with my book thing

I found a funny website. It's good for a snicker.
I'm the King Cheetah. Go to the website and you'll get what I mean.

I want to write a book. Is that crazy? I mean JR Rowlings was the poorest of poor, wrote a few books about a wizard boy and now is one of the richest people in the world! I don't aspire to make millions (though it would be nice), I just want to live comfortable and not have to punch a clock every day. Ok, I don't really punch a clock, I'm salary and we don't have time clock thingies. I'm just saying, ya know? I have come to the revelation that I do not want to work full-time, year-round doing something I half enjoy. I feel if I was home, I could find more inspiration for my books. But, I need to work, because we need the money, so I need to find inspiration in my "free time". Ok, mom's....laugh with me now. SAHM's and working mom's never have free time. I look back over the last ten years and find that the reason I have not accomplished the majority of what I wanted to is because of the almighty dollar. I really can't complain though. God has really blessed me in so many ways. Sometimes, when I'm frustrated with my current situation I stop and try to name 5 things I'm grateful for:

1. My adorable son, Sammy, who is a miracle. I went through treatment for childhood cancer in the early 80's, which was nowhere near as sophisticated as it is now. I shouldn't have been able to have babies. Sammy is the best.

2. Waking up in the morning in a warm bed, in a house that I own with heat.

3. Sammy and Marty waking up in the morning.

4. My car starting this morning and getting me to work. Another day without a car payment. Praise God.

5. My mom living 6 houses down so she can be at my house at a moment's notice when I'm exhausted and Sammy is not.

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