Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Oops...this is why I don't host

Christmas Eve was fine I guess. My brother brought some weirdo friend of his, because he can't go anywhere alone it seems. It was my job to heat up the food that my mom cooked. She went to church with my aunt and told me to preheat the oven at 5 and to put the food in at 5:15 to bake for 45 minutes. Got it. Simple. Except I forgot to switch the setting from preheat to bake, so the green bean casserole turned out mushy and the ham was lukewarm. Everyone seemed surprisely happy with the food and most people had seconds. Me on the other hand was so exhausted from wrestling Sammy away from the stove every 5 minutes, that I barely had an appetite. When I did sit down to eat, I felt like I was wolfing it down because Sammy was screaming, wanting out of his chair. This child. He will be the death of me. I shouldn't say that. He is a good baby, really, but he has SOOOOO much energy. Maybe it is from the Carmel Macchiato's I became addicted to later in my pregnancy. I swear I ordered decaf! I am still addicted to Carmel Macchiato's. Does anyone else feel ridiculous ordering at Starbucks? The order is way too long for one item. "I'd like a tall, non-fat, half-caf Carmel Macchiato no whip please." Seriously! Try doing that while keeping Sammy away from the glass travel mugs! Who uses glass travel mugs?
You see how I went from Christmas Eve to Starbucks? That is my brain. That must be why people mistake me for flightly. I'm really not! I promise. Ok, maybe a little. Back to Christmas.
Sammy was hilarious. He still doesn't quite get why we wrap his toys in paper, but the thrill on his face when he sees what's underneath that hideous paper is priceless! He opened some fleece PJ's from my mom and he thought it was the best thing ever! He squealed with delight, hugged them against his body and rubbed his face on them with his eyes closed and a big grin on his face. Oh, to be a 17-month old. I of course missed getting a shot of this great Kodak moment. His favorite Christmas Day gift I believe were his Animal Crackers that were in his stocking. He wouldn't let those get too far while he opened his other gifts. Since Alexis is more expensive, we didn't get Sammy too's not like he'd understand or know about it...unless he reads this 10 years from now. Anyway, we got him a race track thing, a blow up football player that will catch the ball you throw at him, matchbox cars (Marty), pants and a Little People school bus which he likes to dance to when it sings "Wheel's on the Bus." He got a slew of other gifts from Marty's parents, my mom, Marty's grandma, my aunt and my cousins, so I don't feel bad about not getting him more. I could've done less!
Ok, that's enough of my random babbling that no one really even cares to read. I'll be surprised if anyone makes it this far. I have to get some work done. Happy Holidays!

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