Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's freezing down here...

I came down to my basement to check my yahoo email since I can no longer check it at work. Anyway, it's probably 20 degrees. I understand it is a basement but man oh man, my fingers are like ice! So, I'll keep it short.

Went to the Y both Monday and Tuesday after work. I'm feeling good. I sweated it up, stuck with the program, glutes are burning again (isn't about time they are used to this?). I haven't lost any weight, but I feel better and I can tell I've burned some fat. That's good. Except I think my butt is bigger. My neighbor said it will get bigger before it gets smaller.....GREAT. Does that really make sense? I'll tell you though, my pants fit better at the waist now, but tighter you know where, so it must be true. Ugh. Why. I'm hanging in there though!

Crystal called and got us all worked up. She told Marty she needed to talk to him and acted all stern. When he called to tell me, after the first initial overreacting, I immediately texted people I knew know our situation and ladies, the prayers did work! Now, this woman rarely calls, and when she does she always picks a fight. Well, between 4pm when she called him at work, at 6:30 when he called her back, God must have done something because she was calm, cool and collected. She just wanted to touch base about Alexis coming this summer. She is due to come in about two weeks! I'm so excited, but the sad part is as soon as the plan is set for her to get here, I start get nauseated about her leaving at the end of the trip. I tell you, being a step-mom is so much harder than it seems! All the responsibilities, none of the recognition, decision making power, no sanity, all chaos. Thank God I know my Maker and know He has a greater plan for me than I can ever imagine, and that gives me hope to hang on to!

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