Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My glutes are burning!

Really, I hope all this hard work at the Y pays off soon. I'll be seeing some people I haven't seen for 10 to 15 years in a few weeks and I want to look GOOD. Isn't that strange, considering most of the time I could care less what anyone thinks....but flabby butt and 4 inch roots gives an impression I just don't want to give! I hope I didn't just offend anyone going through the same thing!
So I went on the treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes! I don't think I mentioned that I was on the elliptical for 40 minutes on Saturday! That was because I totally got lost in thought about how the heck am I going to be able to afford child care for two kids this summer. Anyway, so on the treadmill I gradually increased the incline until I got up to 10! I burnt over 200 calories and my boo-tay is burning. I know that's a good thing, so I'm hanging in there. My legs, too. I can feel they are slimmer already! After the treadmill I spent a lot of time of the hip adducter and hip abducter. One works the inner thigh, the other works your saddlebags.
I also feel the need to mention that I've had too much coffee this morning and no food so I'm feeling nauseas, anxious and my heart is pounding. I don't think that is a good thing. I need to eat lunch before I vomit.

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