Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ew, mornings

I know this is no major revelation, but I am not a morning person. I have to use some super human power to drag myself out of bed, into the shower. Once there, my mind drifts to the many things I wish I could do this day rather than work. Work is such an interference when there are other important things I need to do. Then I usually realize I've been in the shower too long, so I hurry out, brush teeth, put contacts in, rush back to my room and try to figure out what I'm going to wear before Sammy wakes up. This works 1/2 the time. And yes, people, I have done the "pick your outfit out the night before"....it just doesn't always work out. The pants are more wrinkled than I thought and I'm too lazy to run to the basement to either iron them or throw them in the dryer or the shirt must have shrunk because surely I didn't gain weight or something. Or, I remember that it is 20 degrees in the office and this short sleeve shirt just won't do. I just need better time management. But, how can I improve on time management when I just don't have the time to manage?

So I haven't been to the Y in, oh about 6 weeks...the approximate length of time Alexis has been here. I do plan to jump back on the wagon today. I just can't get motivated. I can't tell if it's because I'm exhausted and drained or if I'm entering this funk I often enter when it is time for Alexis to return to the enemy's camp. I need a strong cup of coffee and a Prozac. Just kidding! I know, all I need is Jesus. Thankfully, I do have a Savior who cares for me and I have that hope. Can you imagine life with no hope? You might as well crawl under a rock and wait to die! Ok, that was harsh, but really! Atheists must be miserable folk. Oh, or my mom's friend is a Unitarian. They believe in God in some sorts, but they believe when you die, your body just becomes one with the Earth again. You don't go to Heaven or Hell or even Purgatory. You just die.

Well, my babbling thoughts for the day are done. I must get some work done. I'm praying for the day that I'll be a stay at home mommy, or work part-time. Until then, I am a slave to "the man".

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford

1 comment:

liv319 said...

good quote. I can totally relate ;)