Friday, November 14, 2008

Fabulous Friday....

Today is Fab Friday.

My left nostril is completely blocked. Just the left one. It's causing my left eye to water.

I'm going to a tennis mixer tonight. With my mom. Look out Venus.

Tonight I will allow myself to download two songs for my MP3. After tennis, of course. I'm leaning towards a little John Legend "If You're Out There" and maybe some Hillsongs United or Shadowfeet by Brooke Fraser (thanks, Amy!)

I have my 30% off Friends and Family coupon for Old Navy and intend to use it today.

It's the weekend! YAHOOEY! Marty will be going out later on Saturday night, meaning I will have the tv to myself. I'm taking suggestions for a good chick flick.

I'm at work today, but Praise God it's Casual Day. I get so much more work done when I can wear jeans.

In 48 hours I will go to church, catch up with a few friends and be refreshed by the Word and praise and worship! No, wait.....I think I have nursery. Well, I'll be refreshed by friends.

That's about all for my boring ol' blog. Just needed to kill a few minutes....

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