Friday, March 14, 2008


That's right. 5:45 am I pulled into the YMCA parking lot. Bright and early. Well, dark and early. I feel so energized and empowered!
Best thing about AM workout? Although the mornings have a surprisingly good crowd, the machines and treadmills are available and you don't have to stand around waiting. When I first got there, for a moment I thought I entered the geriatric unit of some rehabilitation center, but then the fitness "expert" from the YMCA greeted me in his YMCA t-shirt and I realized I was indeed at the Y. Those wee early hours are a great time to meet your next Sugar Daddy, if you are looking at the 70's-80's age rage. I gotta give it to them though, those older folks will give you a run for your money. It's pretty humbling to be on a treadmill next to someone's great-grandma and they've been on 25 minutes and still going strong and I'm worn out at 15 minutes and debating if I should finish my workout or leave and get some Tim Horton's.
I finished my workout at 6:45, took a wonderfully hot, long shower (a rareity in my home), got ready for work and yes, stopped at Tim Horton's for an everything bagel with light garden vegetable cream cheese and a small English Toffee Cappuccino. Hey, I had a good sweaty workout, I needed to refuel!

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