Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tales from the Y....

Did I write about creepy guy at the Y? I don't believe I did. I went to the Y Saturday afternoon and yes, some creepy dude hit on me. It was very uncomfortable. You know, it couldn't be one of the muscle bound young guys whose sweat actually smells good, no....it was this scrawny, long haired weirdo.Even after I flashed my ring several times, he still kept standing there watching me. I was on the machine that you kneel and press your leg behind you one at a time, the one that is really good for your glutes, the one that your butt is up in the air? Yeah...talk about creepy! I didn't even finish, I just got off and moved to something else. I didn't fancy the idea of this guy staring at my booty. gross.
So I went to the Y again last night. I was feeling PRET-TY good. I always start with cardio--just the treadmill. I'm much too much a wuss to attempt the stairclimber or anything harder than a brisk walk on the treadmill. Anyway, so there I was on my treamill, feeling hyped. I had my MP3 playing, a good shuffle of praise, worship and beats. OK-side note....I can't figure out how to put my songs in any kind of order so it goes from Casting Crowns to Dixie Chicks to Nelly Furtado, then Natasha Bedingfield to Michael Buble back to Darlene Zschech? Makes for a strange workout!
Back to the treadmill. If you do the random workout for 35 minutes at an average of 3.8 for speed, you will burn approximately 138 calories. Tell me how that is worth the sweat and pain. I don't get it. Ok, so I'm about 10 minutes into my brisk walking and you guessed it, creepy guy plopped down on the arm machine directly across from my treadmill. We are talking 4 1/2 feet in front of me. Facing me. Staring at me the whole time. I was SO mad. I pretended I didn't see him so I focused on my music and tried reading the captions for CNN, which is virtually impossible not only because I'm on a treadmill, but also, I had my glasses on and I can't see so good with those...he sat there for 20 minutes! Half the time he wasn't even working out and when he finally got up, he kept walking by, really close to my treadmill, and pausing when he got in front, probably hoping I would smile and wave, but I'm not that dumb....or nice.
After my 35 minutes (last 5 is cool down at a speed of 2.6) I could barely get off the treadmill! I don't know if my butt was numb from my muscles getting such a good workout, or if it was numb from all the bouncing and jiggling. Either way, it felt twice as big and jelloey. I felt like it could knock out anyone who got too close. Luckily, no one did. And creepy guy was nowhere to be found, thank GOD. I was able to do all my machines without him eyeballing my booty. I spent an hour on the weight machines. And I didn't even reward myself with a sweet treat afterward!
I think I did good. Not sure I'm going tonight. I like the cheesy show on the CW "One Tree Hill" and it's going to be a good one tonight!
On another note: Alexis is coming next Thursday! Keep praying all goes smooth! She is so excited about coming.

1 comment:

Margie said...

that's funny!! I hated creepy guys at the gym!! If you look mean, they will leave you alone