Friday, March 7, 2008

Oh well....

I didn't make it this morning to the Y. Nope. I got up at 5:30, went potty, and thought to myself, "This is crazy! It's pitch black out! I'm not getting in my car and driving to the Y to workout this early! I'm not diehard!" So I went back to bed and got up at 7.

Alexis's mother continues to cause issues for nothing. I am stronger about it now. I know that the enemy operates through her. Marty is getting pretty good with it, too. The enemy knows your weaknesses and that is where he will attack you. Your weaknesses are the areas you have troubling trusting the Lord, and he wants to make it harder for you to put your full faith and trust in God. Our areas of attack? Finances and Alexis. We are strapped and stress and there isn't much we can do about either. Ok, we aren't totally strapped financially, but we've been there, and we could be doing better if we had more, but really, that's everyone! We need a new car, two really, and it causes a lot of stress. I know that in these two areas, major changes need to happen but yet, seem impossible. BUT, our God is the God of the impossible, and as I repeat to myself everyday--"He is able to immeasurably ALL that we are able to ASK, SEEK or IMAGINE." I had a good time in prayer yesterday about it. I started just a quiet prayer in my car on the way somewhere, and by time to I got to where I was going 15 minutes later I was shouting, claiming victory over the enemy!

When you pray for Alexis, pray that God will shield her from the lies and manipulation of her mother. Marty did not cave to Crystal's ridiculous demands, which means she is going to retaliate and when that happens, we are cut off from being able to talk to Alexis and she fills Alexis's head with garbage. I pray that Alexis will hear nothing when her mother lies to her and manipulates her, and teaches her to lie and manipulate. Alexis will NOT learn the con-artist ways of the Robert's family. She is a child of God and God performed a miracle in her when she was born so sick and God has a great plan and call on her life. I'm praying that either Crystal is going to get saved very soon, or it's time for Alexis to be removed from that home and all the negative influence that is in it. I pray for a totally complete seperation of Crystal and Marty's mom, so no more problems can be caused by their relationship. That relationship is a huge part of Marty and Crystal's problems. Crystal is told information that no mother should say about her son, things that are lies. Hurtful things are said to Alexis about my family (saying that because they are "step" they aren't real family...). Alexis is so young, so sensitive, and I know it is hard for her. To be told that calling my mom "Grandma Freddie" hurts her other grandma's feelings and that since she isn't her real grandma, she shouldn't call her that, is so WRONG. It hurts my mom when Alexis has an attitude because of the confusion, and it hurts Alexis, who chose on her own to call her Grandma Freddie. My mom is such a better influence on her, and is so good to her. She doesn't treat her any different just because she is a "step" granddaughter.
Thanks for the support my blog buddies.

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