Monday, April 14, 2008


I did not go on the stairmaster, like I mentioned in my last post. Ignorant me, it was the Elliptical. I'm growing quite fond of the ellipitical, I must say. I did push out 20 minutes on Friday, and felt pretty dang gone good after. Today I will go, and I will attempt 25 minutes....I know, I know, you're all screaming, "Careful, Sarah! Don't overdo it!" But, fear not friends. I will push on for us, so that I can say it can be done!
I'm so tired today. I've had a draining week. I'll spare you much detail, but I'm glad we are entering a new week to make things better. Sammy is getting more molars, and driving me nuts. It makes me feel so guilty to feel at my wit's end when he drive me crazy, and then I think it's because I'm not home with him during the week, and I don't know how to handle my child. Maybe I'm just tired, and he really isn't all that whiny. Yep, then "Working Mom Remorse" kicks in. There isn't really anything I can do about it, which makes it worse...we are dependent on my income. If I were to quit and be a stay at home mom, we would not eat! Sometimes I feel like I'm willing to make that sacrifice, then reality kicks in. I've just had a down week about all that. Plus, I feel like at this rate, we will never afford more children. I can't pay twice the daycare! Hmmm...but maybe I could get someone to come to the house..that may make it slightly more worth it. Ok, that was me thinking out loud. Back to my blog.
I feel like I'm in a rut with my book writing. I have very little written, loads of inspiration by now, but I don't know where to begin. I'm tired, I have no time for anything and a lot of pressure coming at me from all over. What is great about this time of "rest" from ministry is that I'm really able to see God in basically everything. I've been doing a lot of praying, asking God to give me a greater understanding of my visions, and greater discernment, and strength to get through the trials. You have to be careful what you ask for though. In the words of Spiderman's Grandma: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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