Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A whole Lot of nothing really

Today is a blah day. My back aches, I pulled a muscle in my neck when laughing at one of Laila's jokes, my contacts are dry and foggy (getting new ones Friday)...I want to go back to bed really, really bad. We've been dog sitting Buddy, a family friend's dog. Buddy is a neutered chihuahua, poodle mix (about 15 lbs). He is around 6 or 7 years old, or more, can't remember. My dog, Foxy, an 8 lb Toy Fox Terrier, loves having a playmate around. Me, not so much. The two together drive me nuts, however I keep him for a week every spring, and sometimes other random times throughout the year. Though Buddy may have had his manhood clipped, it does not stop him from his manly deeds. He is a total alpha dog and let's just say he really, REALLY likes Foxy. I have to yell at him quite a bit. She doesn't seem to mind though. Gross.
Anyway, both dogs sleep in bed with us and Buddy insists on sleeping right on my head. Literally! Not above or near, but ON. Plus, he is long-haired so his tail flaps in my face and itches my nose. When he is bored in the middle of the night, he decides to chew my hair. I have not slept well in a week and half. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that this time we have him for two weeks. He'll go home on Saturday. I say now I won't miss him, but I probably will. And when they call again wanting me to dog sit, I'll say yes, because he has become that annoying relative that comes around once in a while and you think, why did I invite them over? They are so embarrassing....and then when they are gone, you miss their quirkiness. I won't miss Buddy's "loving" affection towards Foxy, but his presence will be missed.
And no, this is not one of those blogs with a strange, overly spiritual twist at the end. I just felt like sharing my Buddy experience!

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