Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More Tales from the Y....

Ok, so I got another pretty dang good workout in yesterday, if I do say so myself. I have been on a stairmaster probably three times in my whole life, probably never more than 5 minutes at that. Well, I did it yesterday. That's right. 10 minutes of the stairclimber. It was a butt-burner, that's for sure! Now the stairmaster definitely burns more calories faster than the treadmill, but it's a bit tougher to get going. Your legs feel, I'm sorry, I mean MY legs felt like rubber and were hurting within 3 minutes, but once I got past 5 minutes, I was sailing....until about the 8 minute mark, but pride kept me going until I got to 10 minutes. I felt so empowered, so strong, so sweaty! But, I had burned 80 calories in just 10 minutes. If you remember, it takes me about 20-25 minutes to burn that many on the treadmill. I don't run. I won't run. I just can't do that to the people around me. It's not right. After the stairmaster, I wanted to still do 20 minutes of cardio, so I got on Ol' Faithful and put the incline to 5.5 and the speed to 3.5. It burns calories faster, and my personal trainer/neighbor said cardio is the most important thing right now since there is so much fat to burn. That's her words...thanks. She suggested 35-45 minutes of cardio 3 to 4 times a week, at least. WOW, that's rough! Ok, so on to the funny. I've noticed more and more women lately coming to the gym so dolled up! They come in in their tiny tanks (no midriffs, thank GOD) and they have the cute matching capri's that I'm not sure are for working out...they have their hair done like they are going to the prom and enough makeup to last for days! I've gotten some pretty figured out. One chick I like to call "Dolly"....not like Dolly Parton, but she just reminds me of a "Dolly". Anyway, she is probably mid-50's. By the sound of her voice, at one time she must have been a chain smoker, but she doesn't seem to get winded easy so maybe not. Anyway, she will stand around trying to act so smooth and she seeks out the young, buff men and then goes and works out on whatever is closest to them. I'm not sure it counts as working out though. She does the breathing techniques, but the weight is usually at it's lowest and she is super slow. She'll do 3 reps of 3, and then stand up, pretend to be exhausted, and then strike up a conversation with her victim. When he escapes, she just hunts down someone new. The other day, I overheard Dolly's conversation with 5 different men....each time she'd say the same thing, "I just love green m&m's, don't you? UGH, they are my weakness! That's why I have to come work out so much. I ate a whole bag in the car, so I thought I'd swing in real quick and squeeze in some workout time, hahahahahaha..." some of the men will laugh with her out of pity, others just smile, then walk away. I think it could be the magenta blush and matching eyeshadow, and the raccoon style eyeliner but I'm not sure. Or all the toxins from her beehive hairdo makes it too hard to breathe.
I gotta get some work done. I'll try to blog about "Betty" soon.

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