Monday, April 21, 2008

The Thing about Mondays....

Mondays...the start of the work week. The day that sort of sets the tone for the week. The day many people dread waking up on because it means back to work. I really don't care for Mondays myself.
Today, Monday, April 21st is no different. I'm feeling down-trodded, unliked, depressed....could be hormones. Us women are notorious for those crazy mood swings. I don't know, I feel tired, weary and I just want to crawl back into my bed and sleep the rest of the day.

Sometime in mid-February, actually February 18th to be exact, a friend and I decided we were going to make Mondays great. We would email each other our prayers lists - which were often similar needs - and we would vow to pray for each other for the week for those needs. Low and behold since then, satan has been attacking both of us even greater than before, especially on Mondays! I find that when you make a promise to God, it is that promise satan tries twice as hard to destroy. He wants to destroy our Godly friendships, marriages, finances, families, jobs, etc. He hates the advancement of God's kingdom, and when we vow to do what we can to make changes for the glory of God, satan will attack! Those of you with Faith understand this very well, I'm sure. I used to, well, sometimes still find myself asking God, "Why me? Why do I have to live this life? Why can't I be blessed with all the great things (random name here) is being blessed with? How come satan isn't attacking them? They aren't even truly living the way Christians are called to live!" Er, DUH. Ding ding ding ding....why would satan attack someone who he doesn't have to worry about? It would be a waste of time. Satan attacks those he wants destroyed, and he wants to destroy those who have gifts, callings, talents, abilities, a heart and passion for Christ! The greater the calling, the greater the trials! Now, this is not necessarily true for everyone, I get that. There are many who never have many trials who God chose to "preserve" and they become great ministers or what have you. Many amazing Christians are blessed beyond measure for being faithful and we look at them and think, "Really? Have they ever had the difficult times I have?" And maybe they haven't. But it is when I think those thoughts that I have to remind myself of Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose."
Today, I'm going to post my weekly prayer list:
1- Marriages: mine, my friends, my fellow church-goers. Marriage is under attack, work-related stress and financal strain are out of control in so many people's lives.
2- Alexis - God to preserve her for his purpose. She will be a light in the darkness (her family in KY).
3- promotion for Marty in his job and elsewhere God has called him. For God to fill his heart and heal hurts he is dealing with.
4- direction for me, my ministry, my job. I'm really in a difficult place where I want to be home more with Samuel, but we can't quite afford it. I feel by working full-time it is taking away from so many greater things I could be doing: raising my son, working on ministry stuff, being a better wife and mother, etc.
5- We really, REALLY need a dependable vehicle that can take us to get Alexis, visit Kentucky from time to time, go up north once and a while. Right now, BOTH of our vehicles are basically "to work and back" vehicles. It's kind of embarrassing. I'm praying God gives us favor in this area and we find the car we need and want at a price we can afford. I've never had to have a car payment, so I'm not thrilled about making that kind of commitment!
6- my mom. God to bless her faithfulness
7- Lorelai Lapeer. Strength for her and her parents, God has performed a miracle and is continuing to do so. I pray God brings her home earlier than Dr. predictions and for financial blessing for them, so they can deal with the medical bills and other expenses that may come along with this little Gift from God.

Thanks, friends!

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