Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's been a while since I blogged. Not that there hasn't been the usual amount of chaos in my life, I just didn't want to be depressing or boring:)
Alexis is coming on Friday evening. I'm very excited, yet nervous and anxious. There is always some sort of drama that comes along with it, at no fault of hers. I just can't wait for the day the drama ends. Seriously, what is so wrong with just getting along for the sake of your child? I don't get it. Marty does not ask for anything more than what is his right as a father. I don't see why that is such a bad thing. So this is my only boring/depressing paragraph and I will now move on. Just continue to keep us in prayer. My new way of praying for this situation is not so much that God will hurry up and bring her here but that Crystal will give her life back to Christ. She knows the truth and knows the Word. I truly believe she wants to change, but that maybe she feels like she is in too deep, or too far gone. Her childhood was a mess, her life's a mess, she's a mess. God LOVES messes. Pray that God shows us how to love her and give us that supernatural ability.

SOOOOOO....I have a new workout buddy. Angela. Whoohoo. We love the Y. I am loving the elliptical. Course, I haven't been since Saturday, so next time I get on, it will be hard. You have to do it pretty much every day or ever other day to be used to it. Maybe that's just me. Even still, I'm getting toned- no one else can really tell unless you see my naked. Not happening. I haven't lost weight, or clothing size. That stinks. Kinda weird, too. My friend that is a personal trainer said it's nothing to worry about, after babies some women tend to be thicker, even though they are toned and in great shape. Hm. Thanks, I think? She said I can expect to weigh more and be thicker, but in better shape. Ok? Whatev. I have been careful about eating and talking to a co-worker who also happens to be a nutritionist. Dang it. She said I had to give up sweet tea and fries? I may have been born in Michigan, but my family is bred from southerners. How the heck am I gonna give up sweet tea? Fries, maybe. SWEET TEA? Pooey. I did make iced Green Tea the other day instead of regular...and with just 1/4 cup of sugar instead of 1/2. I think that's good, right? At least a step in the right direction. I also learned, that, what a shock, carbs are my enemy! Pear shapes and those who carry it in the middle should really limit carbs. I'm sorry, but what else is left? So those people with HUGE shoulders and boobs and no waist can eat carbs? Lucky stiffs. Carbs are not my enemy. We are best friends, and they are quite comfy on my hips!


Kell said...

I thoroughly enjoy my carbs too. I have the butt, hips and thighs to prove it. Thinking that maybe I should join the Y and go with you guys. Maybe it would motivate me to have workout buddies. Maybe.

I'll be praying for the Alexis situation.

liv319 said...

Ok - no more depressing or boring jokes. I like and have ALWAYS liked your blog just the way it is: Real, with real people who have real issues and a real God who is really working them out.