Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My son the perfectionist

Sammy. Gotta love him. Sweet and caring, affectionate, smart. Love it. But, strong-willed and tempermental is he. Most mornings are extremely stressful for me, no matter what time we wake up. Let me tell you a typical morning, this morning for example: I woke up at 6am. My eyes were throbbing, begging for another 30 minutes. I dragged myself to the kitchen and made tea. Sammy was still sleeping. I drank my tea in 10 minutes, sitting on the couch in silence. No tv. No kid. No Marty. My brain was still asleep, and I couldn't even pray. I was zoning, for sure. Then with my last sip, "BLLLLAAAAAHHH"....feet pitter-pattering in the distance, door opens then shuts, more pitter-pattering and Sammy pops around the corner into the front room, "Uh, momma, mommy, want numanum." That is his new word for milk. Not sure where it came from. Probably daycare. So I get up and put his milk in a sippy that has a frog on it. No. Not good enough. He wanted the red one with the boat. He threw himself in the floor and cried and cried. Yep. I gave in. I put it in the red one with the boat. It really didn't matter. So we go get him dress. I pull out jean shorts. No, he wanted the khaki shorts. I continue to struggle to get the jean shorts on and he is screaming bloody murder over these khakis. They match his shirt, so fine. If my little "metro" man wants the khakis, it's not a big deal. We switch and he is happy. Shoes. The dreaded moment of getting dressed. He loves shoes. Today he insisted on his Spiderman slippers. I tell him no and insist on sandals. He runs to the front room and puts his slippers on the best he can, then hides behind the couch so I can't take them off him. By this time, I need in the shower and I'm sure I'm going to be late for work. So I give up, turn on Wiggles and let him wear his slippers. Thankfully, Mary, my sitter, understands Sammy's "needs" and doesn't mind when he is wearing slippers in August, or hauling in random toys, backpacks, Alexis's Barbie laptop. It's security I guess. She is also aware of his need to have everything just right. If it's not, watch out. Yep, I know what you're thinking, it's a little scary...Autism, Asberger's, Sensory Integration, ODD, OCD, it's all way overdiagnosed these days. I still chalk him up to being an everyday 2-year old that has some quirks. I'm sure it's just slight paranoia when my mind floats to those things, what mom doesn't get a little freaked from time to time when their kid picks up on something too quick or freaks out over dirt? He's my little happy guy, and he's smart and healthy, so that's all that matters!
We had a really fun week last week. Tuesday we went to see the Wiggles at the Palace with Ang and Liv. He was fascinated with all the lights, especially the light wands they sold for an overpriced $17. Pretty much all the kids had them and Sammy freaked out trying to get one from every kid he saw. I opted for the $17 tee shirt instead, since it would last longer. He'll be wearing it until he's 4 at least! As soon as I bought it, he was trying to take his shirt off to put that one on, screaming, "MINE MINE MINE. MY SHIRT MY SHIRT MY SHIRT!" as we walked away from the counter. Then Friday, I was talking to my mother-in-law and I thought, hmmm we should meet 1/2 way somewhere so they can see Sammy. So we went to Crossroads Village/Huckelberry Railroad on Saturday. Lucky us, Day Out with Thomas was going on! He had such a good time. Check out my myspace for pics:) What a great event, too....it's cheaper there then when it comes to Greenfield Village. I totally want to go again this weekend, but I'll resist. It was cool though. Do I hear a mommy event for next August?

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