Thursday, June 26, 2008

Onward Christian Soldiers....

Lately I have been feeling like I am in a never-ending battle of flesh vs. spirit and it's getting pretty old. This Sunday is the healing service at church and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to not only receive, but to give as well. I will be fervently (that's for you, Ang) seeking the Lord for the next three days so that on Sunday morning I can walk right into the Sanctuary ready for go time! What will happen if me and the two people (ok maybe three) that read this blog ALL fervently prayed this whole weekend for this Sunday's service? What about fasting? Might not be a bad idea. I'm expecting something great Sunday AM.

O....M...G....just to be a little teenagerish. I didn't blog about the fact that for some strange reason I have decided, without being pressured, to allow Sammy to go up north with my in-laws and Alexis on Saturday evening. I know. Breathe. First, I was totally against it. He doesn't really know them, he's clingy, I think he's too young, etc....but when we started making the plans for Alexis to go up, I thought, "hmm...we'll be going up on Wednesday. Maybe Sammy should go on Saturday, too." I don't know what I was thinking, and I'm slightly regreting it, but I'm sticking to it. I think he'll be ok. My mom is freaking out and thinks I've lost my marbles. She thinks he will be a mess and get "mad" at me and feel abandoned. But I have an unusual peace about it. I think because God wants me totally undistracted on Sunday morning so that I can give and receive. Marty, unfortunately, has to work on Sunday. Pretty bummed about that. I really wanted him there. That's ok, thankfully the Lord is everywhere, not just FCA.

So if on Sunday I am sobbing, it could be the move of the Holy Spirit, but it could also be that I realized what a NUTBALL I was for sending my precious, darling hellian, I mean Samuel, away for nearly 4 days. Ok, now that I'm basically saying it outloud, I'm freaking out a bit.


liv319 said...

PARTAY FOR SARAH!!!!!!!!!!! lol - thanks for the fervent holla - seriously, do you remember when Olivia went to PA - crazy... it was nice to be alone. We went to Olgas didnt we .. We should do something at some point - but I totally understand if you want to be alone, because I would TOTALLY live it up

Klos said...

If it makes you feel any better we let little Gerry go to my parents every Wednesday night to spend the night and next day with them. The first time I was a little crazy and kept calling. This past week we BOTH couldn't wait for my mom to come. ohhh that little boy has begun to test me.