Friday, August 8, 2008


I was hoping this would be an exciting surprise for my dear friend. I have planned for a month to blog an ode to Angela, but she kind of beat me to the punch. Oh well. My top 26 things about Angela, in no real order:

26. She is suberbly hilarious
25. My Matron of Honor
24. 7 years of great memories
22. Partner in future ministry
21. Great mom
20. Very creative/intelligent/business savvy/skilled
19. A film buff like I
18. Great taste in music
17. Loves Starbucks and Frappucino's, like I
16. Awesome hair
15. The best sense of humor
14. So gullible- Yes, I road the Diamond Jack with James McEvoy!
13. Can know what I'm thinking without me saying a word
12. Emails, emails, emails
11. Laughs with me, even when we aren't saying words
10. Love that Liv....was there when she was born. Not literally in the room during, but minutes after!
9. Our kids love each other. Alexis calls Liv "her little sister".
8. Our husbands get along. They used to be roomates. The rest is history.
7. Up for anything, loves to try to new things.
6. Will walk up and pray with someone in the Applebee's parking lot because "Pastor Pat" would
5. Everyone loves an Italian Girl
4. Listens to me vent, and I do the same
3. Beautiful inside and out
2. Honest and blunt, yet careful with people's feelings.
1. in one word, FABULOUS


Pat said...

And has fabulously healed eyebrows!

liv319 said...

Speechless.... In my defense as far as the James McAvoy thing goes, I was genuinely worried that you were kidnapped and sending me a secret message...The only think I could decode was that a scottish kidnapper and his wife had you held hostage at that diamond back saloon off 94...and it was my job to come to the rescue.. .and the only reason I was going to risk my life is because my life without bf Sarah would be miserable... j/k.. I've never been oded to .. It's quite nice. :)