Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Bible studying is all over the map (sort of like my brain). I start a book, then end up skipping around the Bible from Old to New to deepen my understanding. At 28 and having gone to church my entire life (hence the name of my blog: Born in a Pew!) and I'm still fascinated by some of my findings. I also am slightly ashamed or embarrassed that I don't know more about scripture. I can't recite amazing scriptures like many others.
Every morning I try to arrive to work early enough to get on Bible Gateway and browse around for something satisfying. Since a passion of mine is knowledge and education I thought that would be a good topic for today. I found this verse and felt it may have some relevance to some of my readers....I'm sorry, I mean both of my readers :)
Proverbs 2:3-5
Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God.
Sometimes I am disappointed in fellow "lifers" (those who have gone to church basically their whole life) who don't have passion. Those who just come to church, sing, listen, go home. Some are Sunday morning only. Some may be involved in some way at church, it's basically a habit and expectation rather than desire. They don't even realize the impact the could have if they gave it their all. As Christians, we have the responsibility to serve others. As lifers, you dang well know better and should realize that you were preserved for HIS purpose. Sure, you may have had a rebelious streak or doubts at some point but God has brought you to this place at this time for HIS purpose. New Christians motivate me. They are passionate, they get involved in every area they can, they go to retreats with excitement and hunger, they participate in Bible studies. They just can't get enough! They make me feel convicted for not having the same passion at times.

I am absolutely geeked about the retreat. I've always been a camp/retreat/conventions type of person. I know they are unique, and help you to break out of the norm. I just wish some of my fellow Christian friends had the same desire to get deep with God and other women. It's time to grow up. I'm not just talking the retreat. Many may not really be able to go: work, infants, prior commitments all have a way of getting in the way. Finances, too- Lord knows I've experienced more than my fair share of that problem. Don't let finances stop you. ALWAYS express your desire to go to a leader and pray about it. God will make a way. M&M is starting up again. What a great way to share your life testimony and pour into to someone OR even better have someone who has gone before you pour into you? And for those who just want to dig deep, our Bible study is starting up again soon. We are living in the last of the last days. Don't let your purpose pass you by because you didn't want to step out of your comfort zone of home.

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